The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed that we’ve changed the name of this website and added a new logo: the Learning Disabilities Elf.
What you may not know, is that this site is part of a broader website called the National Elf Service, which contains a number of other blogs that help health and social care professionals keep up to date with the latest reliable research, policy and guidance.
Subjects covered so far are:
- Mental health – the Mental Elf
- Healthy lifestyle (diet, nutrition, exercise, obesity, drug/alcohol misuse etc.) – the Lifestyle Elf
- Diabetes – the Diabetes Elf
- Oral health – the Dental Elf
We also have three more blogs in the pipeline, which we’ll be launching over the Summer on:
- Women’s Health
- Musculoskeletal health (back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia etc.)
- Commissioning
The elves are intended to be friendly, approachable and fun. So much health information is difficult to understand and unusable, so we are trying to buck this trend by providing professionals with websites that are easy to read, entertaining and memorable.
The Learning Disabilities Elf was actually the first blog we started (just over a year ago) and it was so well received that we decided to try it out in other areas. We now have a team of expert bloggers, health professionals, researchers, information scientists and others involved in the National Elf Service and exciting plans to add lots of features to the sites over the coming months.
Here’s what Learning Disabilities Elf readers can expect to see in the future:
- A free weekly email newsletter updating you on the latest additions to the website
- A new user-friendly design with sections on the most popular learning disabilities topics
- Guest blogs from experts in the field
We hope you like the new look and our overall direction of travel. As always, please let us have your comments.
John & André
The Learning Disabilities Elf