
Suicide is the act of intentionally ending your life.

There are three levels of intervention in suicide; 1) universal 2) selective and 3) indicated.

Universal interventions target everyone in a defined population. They aim to increase awareness about suicide, remove barriers to care, promote help-seeking and encourage protective factors. Some examples of universal interventions include school-based interventions and national initiatives such as restricted access to lethal means. Evidence suggests that universal interventions are effective at increasing awareness and helping skills, though there is little evidence to suggest they’re effective at reducing suicide-related thoughts or behaviours.

Selective interventions address specific groups at increased risk for suicidal behaviours, for instance those with mental health problems or harmful use of substances. To date, there have been few studies into selective interventions and results are mixed.

Indicated interventions target high-risk individuals already displaying signs of suicidal behaviour. Examples include brief contact interventions (e.g. crisis cards) and talking therapies. Evidence suggests that brief contact interventions are effective for young people in clinical settings. A network meta-analysis conducted in 2021 found that the most effective talking therapies for suicide and self-harm in young people are dialectical behavioural therapies and mentalisation-based therapies.


Our suicide Blogs

Does a diagnosis of severe physical illness elevate suicide risk?


Dona Matthews reviews a retrospective cohort study of 47 million people exploring the risk of suicide after diagnosis of severe physical illness, such as low-survival cancers, chronic ischaemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and degenerative neurological conditions such as Huntington’s disease.

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Ketamine and suicidal ideation: French trial finds modest short-term effects


Anya Borissova reviews a French trial that claims to be evidence that “ketamine is rapid, safe in the short term, and has persistent benefits for acute care in suicidal patients”.

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Tackling structural racism in suicide prevention: a conceptual framework


Kam Bhui reviews a conceptual framework developed to understand structural racism and suicide prevention for ethnoracially minoritised youth in the United States.

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Improving our understanding of the links between loneliness and mental health problems


Zuva Dengu summaries a review of longitudinal studies investigating the relationship between loneliness and new onset of mental health problems in the general population.

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Suicide risk among LGBTQ+ adolescents in Canada


Jess Williams examines a nationally representative population-based study on suicidality among sexual minority and transgender adolescents in Canada.

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Trans and gender diverse youth more likely to be admitted to hospital for suicidality and self-harm, according to US study


Sarah Carr reflects on a recent US study that “perhaps tells us something deeper about the discrimination and stigmatisation in mental health that needs to be tackled.”

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Prevalence of autism and autistic traits in those who died by suicide


Shania Lorenz examines a recent mixed-methods study, which suggests that, in England, people with autism or autistic traits have a higher risk of suicide compared to the general population.

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Intimate partner violence, suicide and self-harm: uncovering the links

Double exposure black and white portrait of a woman covering her face and eyes with her hands

Piumee Bandara summarises a cross-sectional study which finds that people who had experienced lifetime intimate partner violence (IPV) were almost three times more likely to have made a suicide attempt in the past year, compared to people without experience of IPV.

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Self-harm in autistic people: meta-analysis confirms higher risk compared to non-autistic people

Beautiful Muslim woman

In her debut blog, Mirabel Pelton summarises a systematic review finding that autistic people are at 3-fold greater risk of self-harm compared to non-autistic people.

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The role of loneliness in self-injury: using the Integrated Motivational Volitional (IMV) model


In her debut blog, Carolina Guzman Holst reviews a recent cross-sectional study exploring the role of loneliness in relation to self-injurious thoughts and behaviour in the context of the Integrated Motivational Volitional (IMV) model of suicidal behaviour.

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