
Suicide is the act of intentionally ending your life.

There are three levels of intervention in suicide; 1) universal 2) selective and 3) indicated.

Universal interventions target everyone in a defined population. They aim to increase awareness about suicide, remove barriers to care, promote help-seeking and encourage protective factors. Some examples of universal interventions include school-based interventions and national initiatives such as restricted access to lethal means. Evidence suggests that universal interventions are effective at increasing awareness and helping skills, though there is little evidence to suggest they’re effective at reducing suicide-related thoughts or behaviours.

Selective interventions address specific groups at increased risk for suicidal behaviours, for instance those with mental health problems or harmful use of substances. To date, there have been few studies into selective interventions and results are mixed.

Indicated interventions target high-risk individuals already displaying signs of suicidal behaviour. Examples include brief contact interventions (e.g. crisis cards) and talking therapies. Evidence suggests that brief contact interventions are effective for young people in clinical settings. A network meta-analysis conducted in 2021 found that the most effective talking therapies for suicide and self-harm in young people are dialectical behavioural therapies and mentalisation-based therapies.


Our suicide Blogs

Suicide prevention for autistic people: the importance of belonging, mental health and movement


Shania Lorenz summarises a recent network analysis on the complex pathways to suicide and suicidal thoughts among autistic people, which may include a lack of caring and supportive friends, feeling like an outsider, movement differences like restlessness, and mental health problems like anxiety.

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How do our genes affect our risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviours in childhood?


A group of UCL masters students consider a JAMA Psychiatry study which looks at the associations between genetic risk for adult suicide attempt and suicidal behaviours in young children in the United States.

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The international prevalence of suicidal ideation and behaviour in youth


Lucy Barrass summarises a systematic review published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry that explores the international prevalence of suicidal ideation and behaviour among young people across global regions.

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The problematic politics of LGBT+ suicide prevention in the UK


Sarah Carr considers an analysis of the UK parliamentary debates and national policies on LGBT+ suicide representation in political and policy spheres.

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Are the kids alright? Emergency help for suicide and self-harm during the COVID-19 pandemic


In her debut blog, Molly McCarthy appraises a recent Lancet Psychiatry systematic review and meta-analysis exploring the patterns of paediatric emergency department visits for suicide attempts, suicidal ideation, and self-harm incidents before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Addressing premature mortality in mental illness: the “Gone Too Soon” framework


Alvin Richards-Belle and Humma Andleeb review the Gone Too Soon framework, published yesterday in The Lancet Psychiatry, which suggests priorities for action to prevent premature mortality associated with mental illness and mental distress.

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Online experiences: a risk factor for suicide?


Louise La Sala and Jo Robinson review a UK-wide case series study of young people who died by suicide, which explores their previous suicide-related online experiences.

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Suicide and self-harm in nurses and midwives: urgent attention needed according to new systematic review


Ben Hannigan summarises a recent systematic review exploring the prevalence, risk factors and interventions for suicide and self-harm in nurses and midwives.

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Climate change and mental health: what do we know, and what don’t we know?


Peter Coventry examines a big new umbrella review which signals the need for robust assessment and quantification of the mental health impacts of climate change.

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Can therapeutic alliance help prevent suicide in people with psychosis?


Melanie Lafanechere and Dafni Katsampa summarise a study on the therapeutic alliance and suicidal experiences in people with psychosis receiving Cognitive Behavioural Suicide Prevention Therapy.

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