
Suicide is the act of intentionally ending your life.

There are three levels of intervention in suicide; 1) universal 2) selective and 3) indicated.

Universal interventions target everyone in a defined population. They aim to increase awareness about suicide, remove barriers to care, promote help-seeking and encourage protective factors. Some examples of universal interventions include school-based interventions and national initiatives such as restricted access to lethal means. Evidence suggests that universal interventions are effective at increasing awareness and helping skills, though there is little evidence to suggest they’re effective at reducing suicide-related thoughts or behaviours.

Selective interventions address specific groups at increased risk for suicidal behaviours, for instance those with mental health problems or harmful use of substances. To date, there have been few studies into selective interventions and results are mixed.

Indicated interventions target high-risk individuals already displaying signs of suicidal behaviour. Examples include brief contact interventions (e.g. crisis cards) and talking therapies. Evidence suggests that brief contact interventions are effective for young people in clinical settings. A network meta-analysis conducted in 2021 found that the most effective talking therapies for suicide and self-harm in young people are dialectical behavioural therapies and mentalisation-based therapies.


Our suicide Blogs

Risk factors for suicide in people with bipolar disorder


Dafni Katsampa explores a recent prospective cohort study of risk factors for suicide in bipolar disorder, which finds significant variation in risk factors in men and women.

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Serious about suicide prevention? Invest in primary care #SuicidePreventionPC


André Tomlin summarises a new report out today by Centre for Mental Health and Samaritans: “Strengthening the frontline: Investing in primary care for effective suicide prevention”.

Follow the discussions on Twitter using the #SuicidePreventionPC hashtag.

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How should we assess suicide risk in mental health services, or should we stop doing it?

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Vishal Bhavsar reports on the development and validation of a new clinical prediction rule (the OxMIS tool), which has been developed by the Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology group at the University of Oxford to help predict the risk of suicide in people with severe mental illness.

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Suicide risk assessment among psychiatric inpatients: pessimism around predictive power

Glass half empty

Alex Langford appraises a systematic review that looks at high-risk categories for suicide risk assessment among psychiatric inpatients.

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What’s the relationship between adolescent depression and adult depression?


Katie Finning writes her debut elf blog on a recent systematic review which looks at adult mental health outcomes of adolescent depression; including depression, anxiety and suicidality in adults.

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High suicidality among people experiencing domestic abuse: findings from a mixed methods Refuge study #VAMHN


Roxanne Keynejad writes her debut elf blog about a recent study that investigates the prevalence of suicidality and associated factors in a large sample of people accessing Refuge services.

Follow #VAMHN on Twitter today for more from the Violence, Abuse and Mental Health Network meeting in London.

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Using data to inform suicide and self-harm prevention #SelfHarmData


Karen Wetherall summarises the new NatCen report on suicide and self-harm in Britain: researching risk and resilience using UK surveys.

Follow #SelfHarmData on Twitter for all the discussions from the ‘Using data to inform suicide and self-harm prevention’ event in London.

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Transforming mental health throughout the life course #MQScienceMeeting 2019

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André Tomlin sets the scene for the 2019 #MQScienceMeeting which brings together researchers across different disciplines to explore cutting-edge new ways to understand, treat and prevent mental illness.

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Youth suicide prevention research needs a shake-up: lives depend on it

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Pooky Knightsmith appraises a systematic review and meta-analysis entitled: “What Works in Youth Suicide Prevention?”. She is disappointed that the review does not answer the question it sets, but sees this as a call to action for better quality research to help save lives.

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Youth mental health research priorities: Right People, Right Questions #YoungPeopleMHQ

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Pooky Knightsmith summarises and discusses a brand new report from the McPin Foundation, which presents research priorities for children and young people’s mental health.

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