
Self-harm is not usually an attempt at taking our own life, but a way of expressing deep emotional feelings, such as low self-esteem. It is also a way to cope with traumatic events or situations, such as the death of a loved one, or an abusive relationship. Self-harm is not an illness, it is an expression of personal distress.

Our self-harm Blogs

Social media and self-harm in young people: help or hindrance?


Jess Williams summarises a qualitative study that questions whether removing graphic self-harm content from social media helps or hinders young people.

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Risk factors for self-harm in prison


In her debut blog, Rebecca Crook summarises a systematic review of individual and environmental risk factors for self-harm in prison.

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Self-harm in prison: can we accurately predict risk?


In her debut blog, Verity Wainwright looks into a recently devised screening tool, which tries to predict self-harm in male prisoners.

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Home treatment by crisis resolution teams can prevent hospital admission, according to Swiss research


Emmeline Lagunes Cordoba and Magdalena Skowronska review a recent Swiss RCT, which found that crisis resolution teams led to fewer hospital days per patient, but did not prevent hospital admission entirely.

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Suicide risk in young people who self-harm and visit emergency departments


Katerina Kavalidou reviews a prospective observational cohort study on mortality and suicide risk in young people after they present to hospital emergency departments following episodes of self-harm.

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Psychosocial assessment, self-harm repetition and the role of the assessor


Katherine Chartes reviews a cohort study comparing risk of repeat self-harm after psychosocial assessment, which suggests that psychosocial assessments can reduce re-attendance by 30% within a 12-month timeframe.

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Risk and protective factors for childhood suicide: thoughts, plans and behaviours


In her debut blog, Ellen Townsend summarises a cohort study that explores the risk and protective factors for childhood suicidal thoughts and behaviours.

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GP management of self-harm: low confidence and need for further training


In her debut blog, Laura Culshaw summarises a recent systematic review exploring the attitudes, knowledge and behaviours of GPs in managing self-harm in primary care.

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The role of paramedics in suicide prevention: links between sleep, suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts


Kirsten Russell and Susan Rasmussen summarise a recent cohort study on self-reported sleep disturbance in ambulance attendances for suicidal ideation and attempted suicide, which suggests a possible role for paramedics in suicide prevention.

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Older people who self-harm: the added complication of comorbidities


In her debut blog, Pooja Saini summarises a recent qualitative study that explored access to care for older adults who self-harm. The blog contains some excellent recommendations for primary care professionals and policy-makers.

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