Almost exactly a year ago, a landmark study identified 108 genetic loci associated with schizophrenia (Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, 2014). In a Mental Elf post on that study I wrote: “Genetic studies also don’t rule out an important role for the environment – [genome-wide association studies] might even help identify other causes of disease, by identifying loci associated with, for example, tobacco use.”
I mentioned this because one of the loci identified is strongly associated with heaviness of smoking. There are two possible explanations for this: either this locus influences both smoking and schizophrenia, or smoking causes schizophrenia.
Smoking and schizophrenia are highly co-morbid; the prevalence of smoking among people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia is much higher than in the general population. It is widely believed that this is because smoking helps to alleviate some of the symptoms of schizophrenia, or the side-effects of antipsychotic medication.
The possibility that smoking itself may be a risk factor for schizophrenia has generally not been widely considered. Now, however, intriguing evidence has emerged that it may be, from a large study of data from Swedish birth and conscript registries (Kendler et al, 2015).

The leading causes of premature mortality in people with schizophrenia are ischaemic heart disease and cancer, both heavily related to smoking.
The authors linked nationwide Swedish registers via the unique 10-digit identification number assigned at birth or immigration to all Swedish residents. Data on smoking habits were collected from the Swedish Birth Register (for women) and the Military Conscription Register (for men). The date of onset of illness was defined as the first hospital discharge diagnosis for schizophrenia or non-affective psychosis.
Cox proportional hazard regressions were used to investigate the associations between smoking and time to schizophrenia diagnosis. To evaluate the possibility that smoking began during a prodromal period (where symptoms of schizophrenia may emerge prior to a full diagnosis), buffer periods of 1, 3 and 5 years were included in the models. In the female sample, data from relatives (siblings and cousins) were also used to control for familial confounding (genetic and environmental).
Smoking status information was available for 1,413,849 women, and 233,879 men.
There was an association between smoking at baseline and a subsequent diagnosis of schizophrenia for:
- Women
- Light smoking: hazard ratio 2.21, (95% CI 1.90 to 2.56)
- Heavy smoking: hazard ratio 3.45 (95% CI 2.95 to 4.03)
- Men
- Light smoking: hazard ratio 2.15 (95% CI 1.25 to 3.44)
- Heavy smoking: hazard ratio 3.80 (95% CI 1.19 to 6.60)
Adjustment for socioeconomic status and prior drug abuse (i.e., confounding) weakened these associations slightly.
Taking into account the possibility of smoking onset during a prodromal period also did not weaken these associations substantially, irrespective of whether the buffer period (from smoking assessment to the date at which a first schizophrenia diagnosis would be counted) was 1-, 3- or 5-years. Theoretically, if prodromal symptoms of schizophrenia lead to smoking onset (i.e., reverse causality) the smoking-schizophrenia association should weaken with longer buffer periods.
Finally, the co-relative analyses compared the association between smoking and schizophrenia in the female sample, within pairs of relatives of increasing genetic relatedness who had been selected on the basis of discordance for smoking (i.e., one smoked and one did not). If the smoking-schizophrenia association arises from shared familiar risk factors (genetic or environmental) the association should weaken with increasing familial relatedness. Instead, only modest decreases were observed.
As a validation check on the accuracy of their measure of smoking behaviour, the authors confirmed that heavy smoking was more strongly associated with both lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, two diseases known to be caused by smoking.

These results show a dose-response relationship between smoking and risk of schizophrenia, i.e. the more you smoke, the stronger the association.
This study provides clear evidence of a prospective association between cigarette smoking and a subsequent diagnosis of schizophrenia. However, observational associations are notoriously problematic, because these associations may arise because of confounding (measured and unmeasured), or reverse causality. Since these analyses were conducted on observational data, these limitations should be borne in mind and we cannot say with certainty that smoking is a causal risk factor for schizophrenia.
Nevertheless, the authors conducted a number of analyses to attempt to rule out different possibilities. First, the associations were weakened only slightly when adjusted for socioeconomic status and prior drug abuse, so the impact of measured confounders appears to be modest (although other confounding could still be occurring). Second, the inclusion of a buffer period to account for smoking onset during a prodromal period also weakened the associations only slightly, which is not consistent with a reverse causality interpretation. Finally, the co-relative analysis did not indicate that the association differed strongly across levels of familial relatedness, suggesting that the impact of unmeasured familial confounders (both genetic and environmental) is relatively modest.

This study provides clear evidence of a prospective association between cigarette smoking and a subsequent diagnosis of schizophrenia.
There are some limitations to the study that are worth bearing in mind:
- First, there were no data on lifetime smoking, although the authors validated their measure of smoking against outcomes known to be caused by smoking.
- Second, the authors used clinical diagnoses, and included both schizophrenia and non-affective psychosis, so the specificity of the findings to these outcomes is uncertain.
- Third, because of the small number of schizophrenia diagnoses the co-relative analyses used non-affective psychosis only.

This study is not enough to say with certainty that smoking is a causal risk factor for schizophrenia.
There are three main ways in which the association between smoking and schizophrenia might arise:
- Schizophrenia causes smoking,
- Smoking causes schizophrenia, and
- The association arises from risk factors common to both.
This study suggests that the first mechanism cannot fully account for the association; if anything there was more support for the third mechanism, including stronger evidence for a role for familial factors than for socioeconomic status and drug abuse. However, critically, this study also finds support for the second mechanism, including a dose-response relationship between smoking and risk of schizophrenia.
Despite this study’s strengths, and the care taken by the authors to explore the three possible mechanisms that could account for the association between smoking and schizophrenia, no single study is definitive. However, evidence is emerging from other studies that support the possibility that smoking may be a causal risk factor for schizophrenia.
Recently, McGrath and colleagues have reported that earlier age of onset of smoking is prospectively associated with increased risk of non-affective psychosis (McGrath et al, 2015).
In addition, Wium-Andersen and colleagues report that tobacco smoking is causally associated with antipsychotic medication use (but not antidepressant use), in a Mendelian randomisation analysis that uses genetic variants as unconfounded proxies for heaviness of smoking (Wium-Andersen et al, 2015).
Identifying potentially modifiable causes of diseases such as schizophrenia is a crucial part of public health efforts. There is also often reluctance among health care professionals to encourage patients with mental health problems (including schizophrenia) to attempt to stop smoking. If smoking is shown to play a causal role in the development of schizophrenia, there may be more willingness to encourage cessation. Since the majority of the mortality associated with schizophrenia is due to tobacco use (Brown et al, 2000), helping people with schizophrenia to stop is vital to their long-term health.

There is mounting evidence that supports the possibility that smoking may be a causal risk factor for schizophrenia.
Primary paper
Kendler, K.S., Lonn, S.L., Sundquist, J & Sundquist, K. (2015). Smoking and schizophrenia in population cohorts of Swedish women and men: a prospective co-relative control study. American Journal of Psychiatry. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2015.15010126 [Abstract]
Other references
Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (2014). Biological insights from 108 schizophrenia-associated genetic loci. Nature, 511, 421-427. doi: 10.1038/nature13595
McGrath, J.J., Alati, R., Clavarino, A., Williams, G.M., Bor, W., Najman, J.M., Connell, M. & Scott, J.G. (2015). Age at first tobacco use and risk of subsequent psychosis-related outcomes: a birth cohort study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. [PubMed abstract]
Wium-Andersen, M.K., Orsted, D.D. & Nordestgaard, B.G. (2015). Tobacco smoking is causally associated with antipsychotic medication use and schizophrenia, but not with antidepressant medication use or depression. International Journal of Epidemiology, 44, 566-577. [Abstract]
Brown S, Inskip H, Barraclough B. (2000) Causes of the excess mortality of schizophrenia. Br J Psychiatry. 2000 Sep;177:212-7.
Smoking and risk of schizophrenia: new study finds a dose-response relationship https://t.co/BHbWixdQzW
Smoking and risk of schizophrenia: new study finds a dose-response relationship http://t.co/H2RthmjmhW #MentalHealth http://t.co/HHrDDnkd6K
Today @MarcusMunafo looks at the mounting evidence for smoking tobacco as a risk factor for schizophrenia http://t.co/xVwNomABYj
@Mental_Elf @MarcusMunafo https://t.co/pQvZSPCucW
Might smoking be a risk factor for schizophrenia? Me on @Mental_Elf http://t.co/8kreUy7xUC
@MarcusMunafo @Mental_Elf No, because schizophrenia does not exist. Please see https://t.co/6JM0bf7rL1
Nice write up @MarcusMunafo. Any thoughts re: pathophys? a-7 nicotinic receptor? @Mental_Elf
@tylerkaster @Mental_Elf Ha – great question, and no idea! Alpha 7 good candidate but lots of stuff in tobacco smoke beyond nicotine…
Smoking and risk of schizophrenia: new study finds a dose-response relationship https://t.co/OXWvoYPZ2N via @sharethis
Is smoking a risk factor for schizophrenia? | http://t.co/fOBamGYO1H | via @Mental_Elf
Smoking and risk of #schizophrenia: New study finds a dose-response relationship http://t.co/kjZGXDcoHV via @Mental_Elf
Tobacco smoking and schizophrenia study finds dose-response relationship https://t.co/F5MUV4ytuW more you smoke the stronger the association
The leading causes of early death in people with #schizophrenia are heart disease and cancer http://t.co/xVwNomABYj #smoking
excellent overview by @MarcusMunafo of new Kendler study on smoking and schizophrenia. Added benefits of cessation?: http://t.co/i7X1lUUrzH
RT @Mental_Elf: New prospective co-relative control study finds dose-response relationship between smoking & schizophrenia risk http://t.co…
Smoking and risk of schizophrenia – http://t.co/RA65m1wWB5
#Tobacco Connected to #Schizophrenia.
#UK #Hemp #Cannabis #BreakTheTaboo
People w/ schizophrenia are much more likely to smoke – is there a genetic link? http://t.co/6IKcimQ8r0 New study well presented @Mental_Elf
New study shows prospective association between cigarette smoking and a subsequent diagnosis of schizophrenia http://t.co/xVwNomABYj
@Mental_Elf Could that not be about inequalities and presentation, more than a biomedical direct link
@Mental_Elf I read that smoking was a form of self-medication for people with schizophrenia ie it’s not the cause
@Mental_Elf @MHARG_york @aeon456 @ AlresfordBear I’d heard about self medication too. There are studies around this http://t.co/zjB56yUhLY
@Mental_Elf http://t.co/UX6FXBn6Yo
Don’t miss: Smoking and risk of schizophrenia: new study finds a dose-response relationship http://t.co/xVwNomABYj #EBP
@Mental_Elf : smoking & psychosis:did they identify if the smoking was of tobacco and skunk as combination toxic and causes v severe COPD
“@Mental_Elf: Smoking and risk of schizophrenia: new study finds a dose-response relationship http://t.co/oJXdmKELhd #EBP” excellent piece
“@Mental_Elf:Smoking and risk of schizophrenia:study finds a dose-response relationship http://t.co/n9zhFSroMu #EBP” @CashmanRachel @KSBhui
Smoking and risk of schizophrenia: new study finds a dose-response relationship. Intriguing! http://t.co/8KBeUVEnxU via @Mental_Elf
RT @Mental_Elf: There is mounting evidence that supports the possibility that smoking may be a causal risk factor for schizophrenia http://…
Smoking and risk of schizophrenia: new study finds a dose-response relationship !!!!
[…] http://www.nationalelfservice.net/mental-health/schizophrenia/smoking-and-risk-of-schizophrenia-new-… […]
ICYMI: Smoking and schizophrenia on @Mental_Elf http://t.co/8kreUy7xUC
@MarcusMunafo @Mental_Elf Interesting article offering a different perspective. Lots of scope for development
Smoking and risk of schizophrenia: new study finds a dose-response relationship https://t.co/2xByS3dkjf via @sharethis
#Smoking & risk of #schizophrenia: new study finds a dose-response relationship http://t.co/bsRedhFqad
A very well reported study. Correlation is not Causation. Also accounts for Reverse Causation. Wish more studies could be reported so objectively.
Smoking and risk of schizophrenia: new study finds a dose-response relationship https://t.co/4jbBcBNxos via @sharethis
Also worth a mention this week: @MarcusMunafo on Smoking and the risk of schizophrenia http://t.co/xVwNomABYj
Really important findings- could tobacco actually increase risk of developing schizophrenia? http://t.co/t9cBzvs7dM
A new systematic review published today in Lancet Psychiatry adds further weight to the argument that smoking tobacco may be a causative agent in psychosis:
Pedro Gurillo, Sameer Jauhar, Robin M Murray, James H MacCabe
Does tobacco use cause psychosis? Systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Psychiatry, Available online 9 July 2015.
It’s nicely summarised by James Gallagher on the BBC News website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-33464480
We’ll blog about this new review soon.
Cheers, André
I’ve been hearing about clinical trials of meds acting on nicotinic receptors. I’m interested in these studies because the intention is to enhance cognitive functioning. However, my daughter has never smoked and I wonder if it’s best to stay away from products like these. Thank you, Susan Inman
My mother has schizophrenia she doesn’t smoke my dad however smokes like a chimney and doesn’t have schizophrenia . This is my RCT take from it what you will
This letter in the Lancet Psychiatry from Suzi Gage and Marcus Munafo is well worth a read:
Gage SH, Munafo MR. (2015) Smoking as a causal risk
factor for schizophrenia. Lancet Psychiatry 2015, Published Online
July 22, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2215-0366(15)00333-8
[…] I outlined in my earlier post, smoking and psychotic illness (e.g., schizophrenia) are highly comorbid, and smoking accounts for […]
Smoking and risk of schizophrenia: new study finds a dose-response relationship @MarcusMunafo http://t.co/OQgCitH4GS #ElfCampfire
@WiringTheBrain @mnt_schizophren Not read it but absolutely incredible if they didn’t adjust for smoking, esp. given: http://t.co/8kreUy7xUC
Smoking and risk of schizophrenia: new study finds a dose-response relationship. http://t.co/ncPKn2GiG2
@goldenvaper There’s this: http://t.co/8kreUy7xUC and if you want any of the papers let me know.
[…] was also identified in a new GWAS of schizophrenia – competence this meant that smoking is a causal risk factor for a disease? Possibly, nonetheless serve contrast would be indispensable to endorse this, as a […]
[…] is causal remains unclear. One possibility is that smoking may be a risk factor for schizophrenia (something I have blogged about in the past) while another is that smoking may represent a form of self-medication, whereby nicotine or other […]