
Schizophrenia is a long-term mental health condition that causes a range of different psychological symptoms. These include: hallucinations (hearing or seeing things that do not exist), delusions (unusual beliefs that are not based on reality and often contradict the evidence), muddled thoughts based on the hallucinations or delusions, and changes in behaviour. Doctors describe schizophrenia as a psychotic illness. This means that sometimes a person may not be able to distinguish their own thoughts and ideas from reality.

Our schizophrenia Blogs

‘Hearing Voices’ and self-help groups: hope and support for people who hear voices


Lorna Collins reflects on a systematic review exploring the benefits of Hearing Voices and other self-help groups for people with auditory hallucinations.

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Predicting treatment-resistant psychosis using routine clinical measures


Lorna Staines summarises a recent study on predicting treatment-resistant psychosis, which suggests that future risk prediction efforts should seek to consider routinely collected data.

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Genetic risk for schizophrenia is associated with changes in heart structure and function


Nadine Parker and Ole Andreassen summarise a recent UK population-based cohort study, which looks at the impact of polygenic risk for schizophrenia on cardiac structure and function in over 32,000 people.

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South Asia’s silent struggle: people with severe mental illness suffer high burden of physical illness


An international group of experts from the University of York CADA Implementation Science Summer School summarise a recent study on the prevalence of physical health conditions and health risk behaviours in people with severe mental illness in South Asia (Bangladesh, India and Pakistan).

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Psychosis and loneliness: overcoming the practical, social and emotional barriers to better relationships


Hosana Tagomori and Dafni Katsampa review a qualitative study exploring the experience of loneliness among people diagnosed with psychosis.

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Blood-based inflammatory markers in acute vs chronic schizophrenia


Éimear Foley summarises a recent meta-analysis, which looks at alteration patterns of peripheral concentrations of cytokines and associated inflammatory proteins in acute and chronic stages of schizophrenia.

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People with severe mental health difficulties are more likely to have poor dental health and dental disorders


Masuma Pervin Mishu summarises an umbrella review on the prevalence of dental disorders among people with severe mental illness.

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Optimal antipsychotic dosing in first-episode schizophrenia: how much is too little, too much, or just right?


Joe Pierre reports on the first published study exploring the relationship between antipsychotic dose and risk of relapse in first episode schizophrenia, which suggests that standard antipsychotic dosing is best for relapse prevention.

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Uncertainties about stopping or reducing antipsychotics as shared by families


Amelia Talbot considers a qualitative study that explores family members’ perspectives on reducing or discontinuing antipsychotic medication.

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Can therapeutic alliance help prevent suicide in people with psychosis?


Melanie Lafanechere and Dafni Katsampa summarise a study on the therapeutic alliance and suicidal experiences in people with psychosis receiving Cognitive Behavioural Suicide Prevention Therapy.

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