
Psychosis is a condition that affects a person’s mind and causes changes to the way that they think, feel and behave. A person who experiences psychosis may be unable to distinguish between reality and their imagination. People who are experiencing psychosis are sometimes referred to as psychotic. They may have hallucinations (where you see or hear things that are not there) and/or delusions (where you believe things that are untrue).

Our psychosis Blogs

The caring dyad: how patients and their informal carers experience severe mental illness and cardiometabolic disease


Lydia Poole considers the caring dyad (the relationship experience of the patient and their informal carer) and the realities of living with cardiometabolic risk, metabolic syndrome and severe mental illness.

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“I feel inferior and ashamed”: the stigma of psychosis in ethnic minority groups


Alejandro Arguelles Bullon summarises a qualitative study looking at stigma and psychosis experienced by people from ethnic minorities.

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How to improve oral health in people with severe mental illness #MindYourSmile

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Easter Joury summarises a recent systematic review on improving oral health in people with severe mental illness.

We are having a tweet chat at 8-9pm BST on Monday 11th July to discuss how best to support oral health in people with severe mental illness. You can join in by following the #MindYourSmile hashtag on Twitter.

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Changing the game: how virtual reality treatment can help people with psychotic disorders get back into the world


Imogen Bell summarises the gameChangeVR trial of virtual reality for agoraphobic avoidance and distress in patients with psychosis.

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Psychosis: what do informal caregivers need to manage their responsibilities?


In her debut blog, Ailbhe Madigan summarises a qualitative study from Greece, which explores the needs of informal caregivers of people with psychosis.

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The global burden of disease from mental disorders remains high


Alejandro Arguelles Bullon summarises the latest Global Burden of Disease study (2019) looking at the prevalence, incidence and impact that mental disorders have on our lives, which shows no reduction in the burden over the last 30 years.

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Oral health self-care behaviours in people with a serious mental illness

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This review of the of oral health self-care behaviours in people with serious mental illness (SMI) included 33 studies. Most of the included studies (18) were cross-sectional and a mjority (20)were considered to be of weak design.

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Indigenous people living with psychosis in Australia: a novel example of clinical research and implications for population health


Shuichi Suetani and Leshay Chong summarise a study exploring multimorbidity and vulnerability among those living with psychosis in Indigenous populations in Australia.

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Exposure to air pollution increases mental health service use, according to new UK study


Wajeeha Raza and Peter Coventry review a retrospective cohort study exploring the association between air pollution exposure and mental health service use among individuals with first presentations of psychotic and mood disorders.

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