
Psychosis is a condition that affects a person’s mind and causes changes to the way that they think, feel and behave. A person who experiences psychosis may be unable to distinguish between reality and their imagination. People who are experiencing psychosis are sometimes referred to as psychotic. They may have hallucinations (where you see or hear things that are not there) and/or delusions (where you believe things that are untrue).

Our psychosis Blogs

Outcomes in first episode manic psychosis


Matthew Broome writes his debut Mental Elf blog on a three-year clinical and functional outcome comparison between first episode manic psychosis and first-episode schizophrenia.

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#PreventableHarm discussion 20/7/16: Can risk assessment in mental health be evidence-based?


Can risk assessment in mental health be evidence-based? Join us for the #PreventableHarm discussion in London on Wed 20th July 2016. This free open ‘question time’ style debate is being organised by the UCL Division of Psychiatry, The Lancet Psychiatry and the National Elf Service.

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Schizophrenia and urban deprivation: When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do?


Samei Huda reviews a recent study of schizophrenia and subsequent urban deprivation, which revisits the social drift hypothesis.

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Antipsychotic overprescribing in people with learning disabilities #UCLJournalClub


Tayla McCloud from the #UCLJournalClub presents the findings of a cohort study showing that antipsychotics are being over-prescribed in people with learning disabilities.

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Cochrane find no evidence for as required PRN medication for mental health inpatients


John Baker summarises an updated Cochrane review on ‘as required’ PRN medication regimens for seriously mentally ill people in hospital, which finds no randomised controlled trials that support this widely used intervention.

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Mental health crisis care: clinical and cost effectiveness of models of care

Punctuation marks made of puzzle pieces

Caroline Leah publishes her debut blog on crisis care for people with mental health issues, which concludes that better quality evidence is needed to support the overall effectiveness of crisis care interventions.

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Psychotropic medication in pregnancy: new evidence may help achieve a safe balance

pregnant with ipad

Joanne Wallace considers a recent health technology assessment on the risks and benefits of psychotropic medication in pregnancy, which supports previous associations between valproate and adverse child outcomes.

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Perinatal mental health difficulties: does the internet have the answer?


Jane Iles summarises a recent systematic review of digital interventions for perinatal mental health, which highlights a mixed bag of heterogeneous studies in this field.

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Prognosis of brief psychotic episodes


Samei Huda presents the findings of a new meta-analysis, which explores the prognostic significance of competing ways of defining and measuring brief psychotic episodes.

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