
Psychosis is a condition that affects a person’s mind and causes changes to the way that they think, feel and behave. A person who experiences psychosis may be unable to distinguish between reality and their imagination. People who are experiencing psychosis are sometimes referred to as psychotic. They may have hallucinations (where you see or hear things that are not there) and/or delusions (where you believe things that are untrue).

Our psychosis Blogs

Bullying in childhood: cause or consequence of mental health problems? #AntiBullyingWeek

Educating children about early mental health difficulties and reducing stigma may help to reduce the risk of children with depressive symptoms or ADHD being bullied.

Stefan Brugger publishes his debut elf blog on a recent study, which looks at the role of vulnerability and resilience in relation to mental health and bullying in childhood.

Today marks the start of #AntiBullyingWeek, so look out for lots of activity around this theme on social media.

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Personal well-being networks for severe mental illness: the importance of being social


The University College London Mental Health Masters students summarise a recent exploratory study on personal well-being networks, social capital and severe mental illness.

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Sameer Jauhar and Paul Morrison consider the revised Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia report from the British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology, which includes updated sections on definitions, aetiology and treatment.

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MRI in first episode psychosis


Dan Joyce publishes his debut blog on a recent paper in the British Journal of Psychiatry that considers the feasibility and clinical utility of magnetic resonance imaging in first-episode psychosis.

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Insomnia, paranoia and hallucinations: Sleepio CBTi at the OASIS


Jack Barton publishes his debut elf blog on the huge OASIS randomised controlled trial, which explores the effects that improved sleep can have on our mental health.

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Predictors of adherence to digital interventions for psychosis


Joe Barnby and Muna Dubad explore a recent systematic review that looks at the potential predictors of adherence to web-based and mobile technologies for people with psychosis.

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Cannabis use can lead to relapse in psychosis, partially because patients stop taking medication


Thomas Richardson writes his debut blog about a recent prospective analysis of poor medication adherence and risk of relapse associated with continued cannabis use in patients with first-episode psychosis.

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The trauma of psychosis: high rates of PTSD in first episode psychosis

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Jazz Croft considers a recent systematic review about traumatic experiences in first-episode psychosis, which finds that nearly 1 in 3 people with first episode psychosis met diagnostic criteria for PTSD.

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Mental health expenditure associated with higher quality care and better service user experience


Kwame McKensie publishes his debut Mental Elf blog on a recent cross-sectional study, which explores the relationship between national mental health expenditure and quality of care in longer-term psychiatric and social care facilities in Europe.

This is the fourth in a new series of Mental Elf blogs produced in partnership with the British Journal of Psychiatry.

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One psychosis fits all? What do families and clients say about caregiver interventions?


Laoise Renwick writes her debut elf blog on a recent systematic review of barriers and facilitators to implementing family support and education in early psychosis intervention programmes.

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