KarXT: an innovative and promising treatment for schizophrenia

Hands holding paper head, human brain with flowers, self care and mental health concept, positive thinking, creative mind

Nicola Rizzo Pesci and Andrea Cipriani summarise findings from the EMERGENT-2 trial spotlighting a promising new drug treatment for schizophrenia.

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Post-traumatic growth in refugees and asylum seekers: reclaiming life through shared stories and community


Jeremy Lyons summarises an updated systematic review on post-traumatic growth among refugee and asylum-seeking populations, which provides insights into coping mechanisms that help refugees grow after trauma, such as religion, employment and psychological support.

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Psychotropic medication during pregnancy: new umbrella review finds no convincing evidence of adverse health outcomes for the baby


Flo Martin summarises a recent umbrella review which finds that we still have limited knowledge about the safety of psychotropic drug use in pregnancy.

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Alcohol and interpersonal violence: new review estimates how many adults experience emotional violence from others’ drinking


Nora de Bode looks at the international prevalence of interpersonal violence due to others’ alcohol consumption. This new review finds that in 2019, around 1 in 4 adults in Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, and 1 in 6 adults in high income regions, experienced emotional violence from others’ drinking.

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Antidepressant discontinuation symptoms: what do the data really tell us?


Gemma Lewis and Glyn Lewis summarise a robust systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the incidence of symptoms when discontinuing or withdrawing from antidepressants. The data suggest that 8-14% of patients will experience antidepressant discontinuation symptoms, and for around 2% these symptoms will be severe.

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Can we ease the suffering now? Psychological interventions during an ‘ongoing threat’


Sofiia Kornatska considers a recent systematic review on effective and feasible psychological interventions for populations under ongoing threats; including terrorist attacks, shootings, fire, physical and psychological abuse, political and armed violence, and ongoing intimate partner violence.

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Childhood trauma and abuse: long-term outcomes for people with eating disorders


In her debut blog, Ivana Kihas summarises a Norwegian 17-year longitudinal study examining the trajectories of eating disorder symptoms and associations with childhood maltreatment and sexual abuse.

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Jury remains out on antidepressant-induced mania, despite findings of Danish trial emulation


Michael Kalfas and Paul Leeks summarise a recent Danish study that assesses the risk of antidepressant-induced mania in patients with bipolar depression.

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ACT now for MND: acceptance and commitment therapy can improve quality of life for people with motor neuron disease

Acceptance and commitment therapy. Torn dark paper and speech bubble.

Dona Matthews summarises a recent trial which suggests that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy can maintain or improve quality of life for people with early stage motor neuron disease.

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Can self help apps PROMOTE wellbeing or PREVENT illness in young adults?

Person holding phone

Kirsten Lawson summarises the ECoWeB PROMOTE and PREVENT trials in relation to self-helps apps for promoting wellbeing and preventing mental ill health among young adults.

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