Antidepressants, cognition, and emotional blunting: what’s the evidence?


Angharad de Cates reviews a recent Danish trial, which finds that escitalopram reduced participants’ reinforcement sensitivity compared to those on placebo. This lower reinforcement sensitivity may be similar to the emotional blunting effect often reported by patients during SSRI treatment.

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If mental illness excludes us from the labour market, how can we make employment work for all?

Industrial african worker women black  in factory, worker working in warehouse stock checking. suppervisor team control and management. Business factory industry concept. logistics warehouse people.

Ian Cummins reviews a Danish population-based cohort study, which finds that all mental health disorders were associated with shorter working life.

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Blended CBT for depression: does it affect the working alliance?


Destiny Kumari summarises a study on practitioners’ experience of the working alliance in a blended CBT intervention for depression.

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What’s the evidence for community interventions for ‘personality disorder’ (or complex emotional needs)? Not great

woman dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression.

Keir Harding and Hollie Berrigan provide a personal outlook on a scoping review exploring the efficacy of community treatments for ‘personality disorder’.

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An INTREPID journey into the epidemiological landscape of psychosis in the Global South


Shuichi Suetani and Jon Paul Teo discuss the International Research Program on Psychotic Disorders in Diverse Settings (INTREPID II) study, which investigates the epidemiology of untreated psychoses in 3 diverse settings in the Global South.

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What’s the relationship between occupational physical activity, workplace stress and depression?


In her debut blog, Olga Lainidi summarises a study of Brazilian workers, which finds that occupational physical activity is linked to both workplace stress and depression.

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Physical activity can help anxious young people, but can it treat youth anxiety?


In her debut blog, Francesca Zecchinato explores a recent systematic review which finds that physical activity may help address anxiety symptoms in children and young people, but more research is needed to confirm it is a safe and effective treatment for anxiety disorders.

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Youth trauma narratives: a thematic analysis of meaning-making during trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy (TF-CBT)


In her debut blog, Georgina Thompson explores a qualitative study of how young people create meaning of their experiences during trauma narration, when receiving trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy.

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Does a diagnosis of severe physical illness elevate suicide risk?


Dona Matthews reviews a retrospective cohort study of 47 million people exploring the risk of suicide after diagnosis of severe physical illness, such as low-survival cancers, chronic ischaemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and degenerative neurological conditions such as Huntington’s disease.

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Trauma transmission in the children of trauma-affected refugees: risk and protective factors


Theofanis Kyriacou & Andie Ashdown consider a systematic review of risk and protective factors for trauma transmission among trauma-affected refugees and their non-exposed children.

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