Addressing premature mortality in mental illness: the “Gone Too Soon” framework


Alvin Richards-Belle and Humma Andleeb review the Gone Too Soon framework, published yesterday in The Lancet Psychiatry, which suggests priorities for action to prevent premature mortality associated with mental illness and mental distress.

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Whose camera is it anyway? The use of body-worn cameras in acute mental health wards

two cctv cameras point in opposite directions on the corner of a building, a black and white picture

Alison Faulkner writes a powerful blog on the use of body-worn cameras in acute mental health services, which centres around a qualitative interview study conducted with service users, staff and nursing directors.

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Detection of depression in primary care settings in low- and middle-income countries


Lucy Barrass considers a systematic review exploring the detection of depression in primary care settings in low- and middle-income countries.

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Intimate partner violence among non-binary people who use drugs and alcohol: what do we know?

a multi coloured rainbow with two white stickers in the centre that say 'they' and 'them'

Vishal Bhavsar explores the largest ever study on experiences and perpetration of intimate partner violence and abuse in non-heterosexual relationships, with data from the Global Drug Survey, COVID Special Edition.

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Online support more helpful for youth anxiety than depression, according to recent review


In her debut blog, Laura Hankey summarises findings from a recent systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the effectiveness of internet-based interventions for depression and anxiety in children and young people.

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Are mental health problems the “new normal” for young people? New qualitative study from Sweden explores their thoughts


In her debut blog, Lottie Shipp summarises a qualitative study that explores Swedish young people’s perceptions of public stigma towards youth mental health.

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People with severe mental health difficulties are more likely to have poor dental health and dental disorders


Masuma Pervin Mishu summarises an umbrella review on the prevalence of dental disorders among people with severe mental illness.

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Online experiences: a risk factor for suicide?


Louise La Sala and Jo Robinson review a UK-wide case series study of young people who died by suicide, which explores their previous suicide-related online experiences.

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Multiracial young adults at higher risk of mental illness compared to their monoracial counterparts, according to US university research

Metaphor bipolar disorder mind mental. Double face. Split personality. Concept mood disorder. 2 Head silhouette.Psychology. Mental health. Dual personality concept. Tangle and untangle

Andie Ashdown summarises a cross-sectional study exploring mental health disparities between multiracial and monoracial young people in the United States.

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Developing a tool to measure research capacity and culture in lived experience researchers


Laura Hemming reports on a research project that aimed to develop a tool to measure individuals with lived experience capacity to engage with research.

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