“Medicine is a social science, and politics is nothing else but medicine on a large scale.” – Dr Rudolph Virchow
At a time when our hospitals are bursting at the seams, it is worth looking at means of stemming the flow of patients upstream. This means paying attention to the neglected ‘social’ leg of our bio-psycho-social model of mental illness (Pilgrim, 2002). This neglect arises in part because social issues are perceived to be too large and structurally embedded to affect. We are more comfortable with the more human-sized biological and psychological interventions.
However, by focusing on modifiable root causes of mental health, we may be able to alter the trajectories of people away from our wards and therapy rooms. Perhaps it is time for clinicians and researchers to address the elephant in the prevalence rates of mental illness?
Various social, economic and physical environments affect a person’s mental health at different stages during their life. One major contributor is social inequality, which has a dose-dependent effect (McManus et al, 2007). Not only are the poor negatively affected by steep gradients, but so are people in the middle (Allen, 2014).
There are various key stages that offer targets for intervention in the body politic and a recent paper (Allen et al, 2014) and report (WHO, 2014) from the UCL institute of Health Equity, in collaboration with the WHO, offer some program and policy prescriptions.

Our mental health is shaped to a great extent by the social, economic and physical environments in which we live.
The method used in this review was somewhat vague: it reports following the same methods as the famous Marmot review from 2010 and similar WHO reports of social determinants of health but did not offer further specifics. Going to those reports did not provide much clarification of precise resources used.
As best as can be discerned the researchers undertook a review of relevant literature to summarise what is known about the social determinants of mental health, and to identify successful examples of action affecting social determinants to improve population mental health.
They identified case examples of successful programs targeting key stages of the life course.
The review found that the poor and disadvantaged suffer disproportionately from common mental disorders, including depression and anxiety, and their adverse consequences.
The following factors were found to associate with higher frequency of mental disorders:
- Low educational attainment
- Material disadvantage
- Unemployment
- Debt
- For older people, social isolation
The effect of social gradient was more marked in women than men. (Michael Marmot provides a neat definition of social gradient: “the more education, the lower the risk”).
The paper also emphasised how early these inequities emerge in the life-cycle. They have been detected as early as age 3, although evidence suggests that these trajectories are set even earlier, with prenatal and perinatal experiences affecting mental health outcomes later in life.
The mechanism linking social status and mental disorders is thought to be the accumulation of stressful experiences through successive stages of the life-cycle, mediated by individual resilience, and social support.

Unsurprisingly, the study found that people from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds suffer disproportionately from common mental disorders.
The report identified programs and policies targeting different stages of the life-cycle in order to improve mental health outcomes. A selection, with potential relevance to the UK, is included below:
Interventions in the early years
In the USA, preschool interventions involving children from low income backgrounds have helped improve children’s educational achievement, economic success, and mental health outcomes in later life. These include:
- The HighScope Perry Preschool Project
- The Nurse Family Partnership (@NFP_nursefamily)
- The Incredible Years series (@IncredibleYrs)
School-based in later childhood
The Social and Emotional Learning programme in the USA has consistently improved children’s social-emotional skills, attitudes about self and others, school engagement, positive social behaviour, academic attainment, social conduct, and emotional distress by promoting supportive relationships which help develop children’s social and emotional skills.
Workplace-based intervention
In China, a workplace health promotion programme, incuding a focus on communication skills, stress management, problem solving, conflict management, and self-awareness, reduced depression and anxiety among the workforce, improved work performance, and reduced absenteeism.
Interventions during older ages
The Upstream Healthy Living Centre in the UK uses mentors to deliver tailored activities and improve social interaction, especially in rural settings, leading to improved psychological well-being and reduced depression by reducing social isolation.
Policies to reduce alcohol consumption
Minimum alcohol pricing can reduce levels of consumption: a 10% increase in minimum price, can reduce the overall consumption of alcohol by 3.4%.
Housing upgrades
Dealing with fuel poverty in the UK led to a reduction in depression, stress and anxiety among participants.
Active labour markets
A programme in Finland promotes and facilitates re-employment through training and support, and participants showed significantly lower levels of depression and increased levels of self-esteem, relative to controls at two years.

The review highlighted the importance of early years interventions for children from low income backgrounds.
This review advocates the benefits of addressing the social inequalities that contribute to the burden of mental disorders. In doing so, five principles should be adhered to:
- Action should be taken in proportion to the level of disadvantage of a particular group
- A life-course approach, addressing each stage with appropriate interventions
- A focus particularly on early intervention
- Taking into account the inter-relationship between physical and mental health
- Taking mental health issues into account in a wide variety of sectors, including not just health, but also education, judicial, employment, welfare, transport and housing sectors
The authors also advocate avoiding short-termism and thinking about the long-term approaches to build communities that contribute to positive mental health, incorporating mental health equity into all policies, and that strategies are adopted both at a local level and at a country-wide level.

Long-term planning was viewed as an essential component of any successful strategy.
This paper (Allen et al, 2014) and the accompanying report (WHO, 2014) represent a synthesis of relevant literature on the topic, with effective case studies highlighted.
Further work must be done to quantify the likely effects of the programs suggested, and their applicability to the UK context, as well as an attempt at quantification of the likely improvements in outcome to be gained from a focus on upstream determinants of mental health.
Overall, an increasing focus on the root causes of increased prevalence of mental disorders among certain groups may allow a reduction of the burden of disease.

It’s a cliché worth repeating: focusing on the root causes of mental illness (poverty, unemployment, poor education, social isolation) will reduce disease burden in the long-term.
Allen J, Balfour R, Bell R, Marmot M. Social determinants of mental health. International Review of Psychiatry, August 2014, Vol. 26, No. 4 : Pages 392-407. [Abstract]
World Health Organization and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Social determinants of mental health. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2014.
McManus S , Meltzer H , Brugha T , Bebbington P, Jenkins , R . (2007) . Adult Psychiatric Morbidity in England, 2007. Leeds: NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care . [PDF] (see p.32 for prevalence of common mental illnesses by income).
Pilgrim D. The biopsychosocial model in Anglo-American psychiatry: Past, present and future? Journal of Mental Health, 2002, Vol. 11, No. 6 , Pages 585-594 [PDF]
RT @Mental_Elf: How our societies are making us mentally unwell and what we can do about it http://t.co/dAjKACl4Vn
Mental elf on study of social determinants of mental health. Not sure why no discussion of social inequality though. http://t.co/ke4Lc3JO5m
@Mental_Elf great piece highlights importance of preventative measures, requires long term strategies not compatable with cyclical politics
The key term here is short-termism. Governments have been approaching social inequality and the resulting ‘dysfunctional families’ with their eye on the next general election for so long, that they can’t conceive that there might be another way.
Social determinants of mental health: how our societies are making us mentally unwell and what we can do about… http://t.co/FGeDWuWqLm
Social determinants of mental health: how our societies are making us mentally unwell and what we can do about it http://t.co/x4y5Hp5B1q
Susanne Hart liked this on Facebook.
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Shelley Louise liked this on Facebook.
Changing the trajectory; adressing social inequality at critical life stages is key http://t.co/3iUWvJDaEI via @sharethis
Today @markhoro on the social determinants of mental health by @MichaelMarmot http://t.co/LrT9rnytvq
Another fab @Mental_Elf blog by @markhoro on the @MichaelMarmot social determinants of mental health 2014 paper http://t.co/GQGj43MW08
http://t.co/TwONIH7sGf /#socialdeterminantsofmentalhealth
Barbara Neilson liked this on Facebook.
Louise Arscott liked this on Facebook.
RT @Sectioned_: Focusing on societal (rather than individual) causes of mental illness will in the long-term reduce its prevalence. http://…
RT @Mental_Elf: Our mental health is shaped to a great extent by the social, economic & physical environments in which we live http://t.co/…
Excellent from @Mental_Elf on social determinants of mental health http://t.co/Z9iuKdA7AX
Mental health:Let’s turn off the tap (inequality/poverty/unemployment/debt) as well as mopping the floor
The Mental Elf liked this on Facebook.
RT @YoungMindsCEO: http://t.co/7Z1uSuBooD @markhoro @Mental_Elf very good article on social determinants of #mentalhealth in early years. W…
RT @Iain_caldwell: Social determinants of mental health: how our societies are making us mentally unwell and what we can do about it http:/…
RT @BioethicsUoM: Social inequalities can lead to detectable differences in the frequency of mental disorders by age 3 http://t.co/FOpCckZK…
Low educational attainment, material disadvantage, unemployment, debt & social isolation assoc w/ mental ill health http://t.co/LrT9rnytvq
@Mental_Elf do you know if that paper mentions social and legal protections as preventative factors?
Hampshire Healthcare Library Service liked this on Facebook.
Christina Armstrong-Graham liked this on Facebook.
RT @Mental_Elf: A focus on poverty, employment, education & social isolation will reduce long-term mental health disease burden http://t.co…
Came across this.. What do you all think? http://t.co/XgtODBxHiC
Mental Elf: Social determinants of mental health: how our societies are making us mentally unwell and what we can… http://t.co/Qi5vEEyiHD
RT @Mental_Elf: How our societies are making us mentally unwell and what we can do about it http://t.co/6ooGnGKGyD #mentalhealth
Rosemary Callahan liked this on Facebook.
@Mental_Elf @BuffDavis Many inputs affect the chemistry balance in the brain & the electric charge. Protons must be discharged from the body
RT @Mental_Elf: Don’t miss: How our societies are making us mentally unwell and what we can do about it http://t.co/LrT9rnytvq
RT @bdogrunner: Poverty causes #MentalHealth problems, especially in women – a recent study summarised by @markhoro for @Mental_Elf: http:/…
RT @soniajohnson: Social disadvantage and common mental disorders – a major public mental health issue – http://t.co/kvPpYrCooH
RT @Mental_Elf: People from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds suffer disproportionately from common mental disorders http://t.co/LrT9rnytvq
RT @Mental_Elf: Most popular blog this week? It’s @markhoro on the social determinants of mental health by @MichaelMarmot http://t.co/LrT9r…
@Mental_Elf Thanks for sharing that update – it’s now live: http://t.co/cAHwomMri6
RT @drduncanlaw: We must focus on evidence based prevention as well as better evidence based treatment to improve #CAMHS. – excellent! http…
How our societies are making us mentally unwell and what we can do about it
http://t.co/9vSyOBT0fF via @Mental_Elf
Social determinants of #MentalHealth: how our societies are making us mentally unwell and what we can do about it. http://t.co/lpvgSQIWIn
Gregory D. Zed liked this on Facebook.
RT @BeautifulMindsR: Social determinants of #MentalHealth: how our societies are making us mentally unwell and what we can do about it – ht…
“Social determinants of mental health: how our societies are making us mentally unwell and what we can do about it” http://t.co/lBcQIw9WSW
RT @CISSHerts: @hertsmentoring worth a read! How our society is affecting our mental health
Richeldis Yhap liked this on Facebook.
“Time to address the elephant in the prevalence rates of mental illness.” @markhoro @MichaelMarmot http://t.co/LvXXJlirui
RT @Breaking_Free_: Social determinants of mental health: how our societies are making us mentally unwell and what we can do about it http:…
RT @Mental_Elf: #SDOH review highlights the importance of early years interventions for children from low income backgrounds http://t.co/Lr…
Rachael Norrish liked this on Facebook.
Social determinants of mental health: how our societies are making us mentally unwell & what we can do about it http://t.co/nww6JP3njq #SDOH
Social determinants of #mentalhealth – http://t.co/2Z1U9SzEWU http://t.co/nQ2uUCOgrS
The poor & disadvantaged suffer disproportionately from common mental disorders: http://t.co/EgYMty2IHO #BellLetsTalk #mentalhealth
This article looks at the causes of mental ill health. Is it time we began looking at the environments we live in? http://t.co/g18ZuilVMo
They found that people from low-income backgrounds are more likely to experience depression and anxiety: http://t.co/g18ZuilVMo
Social determinants of mental health: how societies make us mentally unwell & what we can do about it http://t.co/WZblIAqzOQ via @sharethis
RT @picardonhealth: The social determinants of #mentalhealth, by @markhoro http://t.co/LVPX9bfLKn via @Mental_Elf #sdoh
An interesting article on the social determinants of mental health http://t.co/LJskewHkCl @Mental_Elf
RT @Mental_Elf: Most popular blog this month? It’s @markhoro on the social determinants of mental health http://t.co/LrT9rnytvq
Social Inequity and Mental health http://t.co/WZmjYo2kQq
RT @AllenFrancesMD: “Medicine is a social science, and politics is nothing else but medicine on a large scale” Virchow
“Social determinants of #mentalhealth: how our societies are making us mentally unwell & what we can do” http://t.co/tfJ24VAaBE #SDOH
RT @SCPHRP: Blog @Mental_Elf @markhoro: Social determinants of mental health: how our societies are making us mentally unwell http://t.co/u…
Social determinants of mental health: … what we can do about it http://t.co/skEvs3UHmx via @sharethis one problem is short-termism.
How our societies are making us mentally unwell and what we can do about it. http://t.co/XS0Kg9TtOx
How our societies make us mentally unwell and what we can do about it
HT @markhoro http://t.co/QofeYv9ko4 #mentalhealth #poverty #education
[…] Social determinants of mental health: how our societies are making us mentally unwell and what we ca… The Mental Elf (Mark Horowitz) […]
i want to read more about this research.
More pop-psychology. It has nothing to do with serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar.
[…] illness is known to be influenced by social gradients, as explored in a previous blog: deprived groups experience higher rates of mental […]
.@Schlosspsych @Mental_Elf @ClinPsyD_Hull Great article: agree ‘learnt helplessness’ of HCPs on wider determinants. http://t.co/yM0CTJLFe8
.@Schlosspsych @Mental_Elf @ClinPsyD_Hull If serious about zero suicide policy we need to reduce SE inequalities. http://t.co/9ak3k816Ih