Substance use is common in people who have severe mental health problems. This combination not only aggravates mental health but is associated with higher rates of homelessness and poorer physical health. All of which substantially shorten the lives of this client group. We still lack even the most basic information about dual diagnosis such as how many people are affected and what type of intervention works (Munafo, 2013).
Treatment can be fragmented for this group with mental health services refusing to treat an individual until they are drug free. Likewise substance use services can be reluctant to treat any drug problem until the person’s mental health has improved. This catch-22 continues to frustrate not only the clients but workers who feel that integrating mental health and substance use would be most effective.
But here’s the rub, despite intuitively feeling integrated care is the best option, the evidence to date doesn’t support its effectiveness.
So when a study is published exploring integrated care over a long time period for people with a dual diagnosis, it’s a must read.

Intuition versus evidence: the two don’t always match up.
This prospective study was led by Robert Drake who along with colleagues at Dartmouth (USA) have for decades led the way on dual diagnosis research (Drake 2016). The research group were keen to find out if the improvement they found in a previous study for clients with a dual diagnosis from a rural setting, would also be found for clients in an urban setting.
This was a naturalistic study following a three year randomised controlled trial comparing standard case management to a more intensive assertive outreach approach.
- 150 adults with schizophrenia and substance use disorder
- Participants were all from an urban setting in the USA
- All participants received integrated care for at least the first 3 years of the study
- Integrated care consisted of community assertive outreach delivered with small caseloads
- All assessed at baseline then annually for 7 years
- 6 clinical and functional outcomes measured

Clinical and social factors were measured in this naturalistic study.
The initial 3 year trial showed no difference in outcomes between the two groups.
The most common combination of problems was schizophrenia and alcohol or cannabis or cocaine.
Over 7 years, 6 clinical and functional outcomes were measured:
- Symptoms
- Substance use
- Employment
- Independent living
- Life satisfaction
- Social functioning
By year 7, all outcomes improved apart from social functioning. The rate at which individuals improved varied, with some fluctuating and others incrementally improving.

Alcohol, cannabis and cocaine were the most commonly used drugs.
There is hope for this client group that recovery is possible, with the right treatment combination delivered over a long period of time. Specifically, people with co-occurring schizophrenia and substance use can be engaged and offered interventions that not only improve their mental health but reduce substance use. Most importantly, these people report significant improvement in quality of life.

Life feels better and recovery is possible, eventually.
Strengths and limitations
- The long-term (7 year) follow up period of this trial is a major strength
- However, 48 of the enrolled 198 participants did not consent to the 4 year follow up. No details are provided about these 48 people
- 106 (70.7%) completed at least one interview in the follow up period (4-7 years)
- Attrition bias may have affected the findings
- Connecticut is a relatively wealthy state which invests in services, the findings may not be replicated in less well of states or areas

Long term follow up is essential in studies of dual diagnosis where interventions can take many years to have an effect.
This study offers useful intelligence to workers and hope to clients that recovery and change are possible. Sadly what this study also highlights is that change takes time. This is at odds with the way research funding is usually granted, typically for a short period of time. At the same time, clinicians are increasingly having to demonstrate effectiveness through a culture of contrived non-evidence based targets which are also time limited.
Both factors seem at odds with this new evidence for people with a dual diagnosis, which shows a persistent, assertive and long term view is what is needed. At a time when assertive outreach teams in mental health are being dismantled and substance use services are commissioned for 3 years at a time, we need to rethink how our current approach to treatment is at complete odds with the evidence.

Recovery takes time.
Primary paper
Drake RE, Luciano AE, Mueser KT, Covell NH, Essock SM, Xie H, McHugo GJ. (2015) Longitudinal Course of Clients With Co-occurring Schizophrenia-Spectrum and Substance Use Disorders in Urban Mental Health Centers: A 7-Year Prospective Study Schizophr Bull (2016) 42 (1): 202-211 first published online August 19, 2015 doi:10.1093/schbul/sbv110 [PubMed abstract]
Other references
Munafo M. (2013) Cochrane review finds no clear evidence for psychosocial interventions to help people with both severe mental illness and substance use. The Mental Elf, 19 November 2013.
Does integrated care work for substance use and schizophrenia? https://t.co/3yXN5rTPcu #MentalHealth https://t.co/64Gy5xH8Gz
RT iVivekMisra Does integrated care work for substance use and schizophrenia? https://t.co/UGAtk4T5ms #MentalHeal… https://t.co/zF6qoX0Hh5
RT @Mental_Elf: Today @ian_hamilton_ on US study of intensive assertive outreach for schizophrenia & substance use https://t.co/IeVIf3oWUX …
Does integrated care work for substance use and schizophrenia? https://t.co/IeVIf3oWUX #DualDiagnosis https://t.co/kh14jPSk3A
@DrG_NHS Some new US evidence on integrated care for #addiction & #mentalhealth is there a UK application ?https://t.co/gl2sAIKPbX
@ProfLAppleby can we learn anything from US study about long term integrated care for #mentalhealth & #addiction
RT ian_hamilton_ ProfLAppleby can we learn anything from US study about long term integrated care for #mentalhealt… https://t.co/ShF5azrAfK
Dual diagnosis: recovery is possible, with right treatment combination delivered over long period of time https://t.co/IeVIf3oWUX
RT ian_hamilton_ normanlamb new US evidence of integrated care for #mentalhealth & #addiction is there a UK applic… https://t.co/ShF5azrAfK
RT @ian_hamilton_: @LifelineProject new US evidence long term integrated care is effective for #addiction you are innovating in UK
RT @HealthSciYork: Does integrated care work for substance use and #schizophrenia ? @ian_hamilton_ writes about this for @Mental_Elf https:…
So @ian_hamilton_ Is this study typical of #DualDiagnosis research in terms of quality? https://t.co/IeVIf3oWUX
@Release_drugs new US evidence on #addiction & #mentalhealth shows long term approach needed, at odds with UK ?
RT ian_hamilton_ Release_drugs new US evidence on #addiction & #mentalhealth shows long term approach needed, at o… https://t.co/ShF5azrAfK
Long term follow up essential in dual diagnosis research where interventions can take many years to have an effect https://t.co/IeVIf3Gyjx
@YoungMindsUK new USA research on #mentalhealth & #adddiction = long term treatment shows +ve results
@NIDAnews new USA evidence on long term treatment for #addiction & #mentalhealth would be good to try in UK
RT ian_hamilton_ NIDAnews new USA evidence on long term treatment for #addiction & #mentalhealth would be good to … https://t.co/ShF5az9Zoc
RT @ian_hamilton_: @normanlamb new US evidence of integrated care for #mentalhealth & #addiction is there a UK application ?
@JaneEllison is it time to jointly commission #addiction & #mentalhealth services ? new US evidence https://t.co/gl2sAItekp
Read @ian_hamilton_’s excellent blog on co-occurring schizophrenia-spectrum & substance use disorders https://t.co/IeVIf3Gyjx #DualDiagnosis
Don’t miss: Does integrated care work for substance use and schizophrenia? https://t.co/IeVIf3Gyjx #EBP #DualDiagnosis
#integrated #treatment for #comorbid #addiction and #schizophrenia works in long run #mentalhealth https://t.co/novopt8iKO
A quick 5 minute read if you have an interest in #addiction & #mentalhealth
https://t.co/gl2sAItekp https://t.co/r5IzKNShte
@SMMGP this one might interest you https://t.co/gl2sAItekp
The way research is done – in discreet little chunks – doesn’t reflect how people live or suffer or recover https://t.co/DyxsfLl5W7
Great read, I experienced substance misuse and mental I’ll health some years ago, sorted myself out and have become very successful in what I do (vocation) today. There is a lot more to recovery (hate that word) than meets they eye, integrated support being part of the process. The personal battle, dealing with personal schemers and understanding how to use personal tools to evolve a greater ability to be emotionally resilient has been key to me. Would love to get involved in any way including talking at lectures.
many thanks for sharing your experience Tyler & great to hear about your success. Sounds like you have a fascinating story to tell & would be really valuable for other to hear.
Does integrated care work for substance use and schizophrenia? https://t.co/eslh2vxAFn via @sharethis
Integrated care for substance use and schizophrenia https://t.co/7XaHDVZcYG
It is both heartwarming and distressing to read these findings. The evidence for the recovery trajectory of those with severe mental illness, let alone dual diagnosis conforms to the same model and yet the medical model has allowed Assertive Outreach to wither on the vine as those with severe mental illness are offered ineffective community interventions interspersed with periods in non functioning, ineffective acute units or are left to suffer and make their communities families/friends suffer or end up in prison or with a forensic label in far flung private units. And lastly left to commit suicide. The evidence on AOT was similarly deconstructed in the face of overwhelming evidence that if applied correctly, with fidelity and delivered by trained and motivated, well led staff it is effective.
[…] 1Integrated care for substance use and schizophrenia-Mental Elf Blog post. […]