People with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) are some of the most excluded in society. The recent guidance from the Department of Health (Raising our sights) suggested that services could do much better in involving people with PMLD in decision making. The Involve Me project (a partnership between the Renton Foundation, Mencap and BILD) [read the full story…]
Results: 34
For: profound and multiple learning disabilityLack of effective services for young people with challenging behaviour at transition tends to increase protectiveness of parents
There is very little available in the literature that focuses on the perspectives of families caring for someone with severe or profound learning disabilities and challenging behaviour. This ethnographic study aimed to improve understanding of the experiences and perspectives of families, in particular mothers, of young people with these complex needs. The researcher carried out [read the full story…]
Meta analysis of treatments for self injurious behaviour finds statistically significant effects
Recognising that self injurious behaviour in people with profound and multiple disabilities usually has important negative consequences for people concerned, this meta-analysis set out to examine the effectiveness of the treatments currently being offered. The authors looked at single-case studies which investigated non-aversive, non-intrusive forms of reinforcement, combining these using hierarchical linear models. They discovered [read the full story…]
Thematic organisation of activities did not improve quality for people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities.
The idea of organising activities thematically has been developed in the Netherlands. The expected outcomes of this approach have been suggested as the provision of more activities with greater variety along with more attention offered to each individual person. 23 attendees of one day centre took part in a study of this new approach. The [read the full story…]