The National Autistic Society describe social stories as short descriptions of a particular situation, event or activity, which include specific information about what to expect in that situation and why.
The authors of this study set out to look at the effectiveness of Social Stories with four adults with learning disabilities and social communication impairments said to be characteristic of Autism Spectrum Disorder .
They used an N = 1 multiple-baseline, across-participant, AB design. An AB design is where a baseline measure ‘A’ is taken, a treatment or intervention ‘B’ is applied and if changes are found to have occurred, then the researchers are able to state that the treatment has had an effect. The researchers here used multiple baseline measures and an additional probe.
They used two Social Story interventions, with both the intervention and data on effect collected by support workers who knew the participants.
What they found was that target behaviours showed positive change during at least one phase of the study. They found a return towards baseline levels across all behaviours measured into the probe phase.
They conclude from their study that Social Stories had a positive effect on improving social interaction in adults with social interaction impairments, but that this this effect was short-lived.
They suggest that given the behaviours targeted by the intervention were As long standing, that a longer context specific intervention may be needed to ensure that longer lasting changes might occur.
The effectiveness of social stories™ to develop social interactions with adults with characteristics of autism spectrum disorder, Samuels R & Stansfield J, in British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 40: 272–285
This is interesting. It uses the language of efficacy testing, but does not describe a real test of efficacy. I see that the term ‘social stories’ is noted as a trade mark. Does using this approach cost anything?
thanks for your comment Gyles, I think it is also a short term effect that is reported.
Ref your point about the trademark, I am not aware of any payment required to use social stories as an apporach. Perhaps people regularly using this approach might like to comment?
I use “social Stories” Frequently within special care dentistry. To me they are a combinationn of phogrpahs and text tailored to the needs of individuals. Would share examples if wanted.
Hi Malcolm, thanks for your comment. Would be good to share your approach, especially through our sister site the dental elf http://www.thedentalelf.net/, best wishes
Hi John,
Am aware of the Dentalelf, which is how I found this elf.
I have nothing formal written about my use of social stories, though it is somethig I have meant to do for some time. This may give me the incentative