Results: 126

For: autistic spectrum disorder

People with both fragile x syndrome and autism had unique profile of vulnerability

fragile x

Fragile X syndrome is a common cause of inherited learning disability and can affect one in 2000 males and one in 4000 females and is due to a mutation at an inherited fragile site on the X chromosome. The researchers in this study were interested in looking at the behavioural profile of people with fragile [read the full story…]

Nearly 1 in 5 siblings of children with autism spectrum disorders will also have the condition

autism children holding hands

Our colleagues at the Mental Elf  found this large cohort study from California which explored the risk of autism in children of families with one child already diagnosed with the condition. Previous research estimated the risk to be between 3-10%, but this evidence was always regarded as unreliable.   This study looked siblings of children [read the full story…]

Case study of man with Asperger syndrome highlights impact of late diagnosis and lack of intervention on risk of offending


This paper describes a case study of a young man with Asperger syndrome who set a fire in his home. The authors point out that offences may be committed by people with autistic spectrum disorders because of deficits in social skills, co-morbid mental health problems or abuse of drugs and alcohol. There may also be [read the full story…]

Developmental issues should be assessed as part of psychiatric diagnosis in people with learning disabilities


The researchers in this study were interested in looking at the extent to which a diagnosis of learning disability met current diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM) diagnostic criteria. They wanted to know the prevalence of reported autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and the extent to which the assessment of developmental issues was seen [read the full story…]

Advances in neuroimaging provide insights into anotomical features of the brain in people with autism


This review of literature published in the last twelve months set out to chart progress made in understanding anatomical and functional features in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The authors searched databases for research findings in the neuroimaging of autism using a variety of Medline search terms They found that techniques such as functional magnetic resonance [read the full story…]

Structured autism programme had impact on quality of life by reducing challenging behaviour


Quality of life as a treatment outcome in services for people with learning disabilities and autism has received little attention in the literature. The researchers in this study combined quality of life measures with objective observations of challenging behaviours to evaluate outcomes for adults with learning disabilities and autism living in two different residential services. [read the full story…]

Rate of comorbid disorder higher than expected in young people with autism

person looking sad

The researchers in this study set out to investigate the rates and types of co-morbid disorders in a group of 84 young people (mean age 19.5 years) with autism. They assessed mental disorder with a semi-structured comprehensive clinical interview with the participants and with caregivers and also used quantitative questionnaires. The diagnoses were made according [read the full story…]

New NICE guideline on the recognition, referral and diagnosis of children and young people on the autism spectrum

boy with autism

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) have commissioned the National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health to produce a new guideline on the recognition, referral and diagnosis of children and young people on the autism spectrum. The guideline is aimed at GPs, paediatricians, psychiatrists, psychologists, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists [read the full story…]

Focus of pharmacotherapy for people with learning disabilities and mental ill health should be on specific forms of psychopathology


A number of studies have suggested that prevalence rates of mental ill-health in people with learning disabilities is higher than in the general population, although issues of definition have made it difficult to make clear comparisons. The authors of this review set out to identify trends and developments in the study of psychopathology in people [read the full story…]

Melatonin administration in autism spectrum disorder improved sleep parameters, daytime behaviour and had minimal side effects


The researchers in this review looked at findings related to melatonin in autism spectrum disorders (ASD), including autistic disorder, Asperger syndrome, Rett syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorders, not otherwise specified. From a search of databases, they were able to find 35 studies that met review’s inclusion criteria. It was possible to perform a meta-analysis on [read the full story…]