Results: 4

For: science

Measuring pupil progress: are we measuring the wrong things?


Rachel Symons summarises the Progress 8 accountability measure and why it’s important to consider school and pupil background when interpreting exam results.

[read the full story...]

Science or Pseudo Science? Prevalence of Neuromyths in Education


You will be delighted to hear that improving your cognitive ability has never been simpler! You can carry out some easy, but highly effective, exercises to activate your brain, improve communication between right and left brain hemispheres, as well as increasing oxygenation, electrical activity and blood supply to your brain. Firstly, locate your ‘brain buttons’, [read the full story…]

How susceptible are you to ‘neuromyths’? Take the quiz and test your science knowledge.

Melting brain

Once you are given your score, please leave a comment (and your score, if you are brave enough!) in the box at the bottom of this page. Good luck! My blog next week will discuss this topic, with a more detailed look at recent research on the widely believed myths about  the brain.

Teach your teachers well… Effective programs for Primary Science

Viruses and bacteria

Governments across the world are increasingly realising the importance of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) in determining the success of economic futures. Postgraduates of STEM subjects can play an important role in steering the economy in the right direction by driving innovation, undertaking significant research and providing much-needed entrepreneurship. Teachers who are confident with [read the full story…]