Results: 407

For: risk factors

Suicide risk among LGBTQ+ adolescents in Canada


Jess Williams examines a nationally representative population-based study on suicidality among sexual minority and transgender adolescents in Canada.

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Workplace discrimination and depression: new Danish workforce study explores the links


Olga Lainidi explores a prospective cohort study from Denmark, which establishes a relationship between workplace discrimination and the onset of a depressive disorder.

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Prevalence of autism and autistic traits in those who died by suicide


Shania Lorenz examines a recent mixed-methods study, which suggests that, in England, people with autism or autistic traits have a higher risk of suicide compared to the general population.

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Who can you trust? The links between childhood adversity, deprivation and pandemic restrictions in Wales


In her debut blog, Poppy Brown summarises a survey which explores the links between adverse childhood experiences, attitudes towards COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine hesitancy.

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Low intensity treatments for self-harm or suicidal behaviour: what’s the harm in trying?


Millie Witcher and Sarah Rowe appraise a randomised controlled trial on the effect of low-intensity treatments for self-harm among people with suicidal ideation, which has some important findings.

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Preventing suicide is everybody’s business: a global perspective #LancetSuicideSeminar


Ravivarma Rao Panirselvam summarises the recently published Lancet Seminar on Suicide and Self-Harm, and highlights the free webinar due too take place on Monday 4th July 2022.

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Associations between adolescent mental health and gender diversity: evidence from a population cohort study #CAMHScampfire


Douglas Badenoch appraises a recent cohort study from the Netherlands, which looks at adolescent gender diversity and provides data of sociodemographic correlates and mental health outcomes in the general population.

Join us around the #CAMHScampfire on Tuesday 28th June to discuss this paper with the author and a group of experts.

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Is there a link between sexual harassment and eating disorder symptoms?


Andie Ashdown summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis which finds a relationship between sexual harrassment and eating disorder symptomatology.

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Parental death by suicide is associated with an increased risk of suicidal behaviour in offspring


Aggelos Stamos looks at a recent systematic review and meta-analysis on offspring’s risk for suicidal behaviour in relation to parental death by suicide.

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Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for depression


In her debut blog, Éimear Foley reviews a recent meta-analysis that identifies possible differences between people experiencing depression and healthy controls.

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