Results: 593

For: Diagnosis

Loneliness “from the outside”: how are lonely young people perceived by others?


In her debut blog, Phoebe McKenna-Plumley explores a mixed methods study of young people, which finds concordance between self-reported loneliness and others’ perceptions of loneliness.

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Proximal caries diagnostic measures

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This review of diagnostic accuracy and reliability of commonly used caries detection methods for proximal caries included 36 studies the majority (31) being conducted in-vitro. A limited number of studies were available to assess most of the diagnostic tests and how the findings from in-vitro studies translates to the the clinical situation needs to be considered cautiously.

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Borderline personality traits in adolescents: why are difficulties temporary for some whilst others continue to struggle?


Kirsten Barnicot summarises a recent systematic review of the factors associated with the course of ‘borderline personality disorder’ symptoms in adolescence.

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Occlusal caries diagnostic measures

occlusal caries, molar teeth

This review of the diagnostic performance of commonly used methods for occlusal caries diagnoses included 37 studies the majority (29) being conducted in-vitro. While summary diagnostic performance datafor a muber of diagnistic methods is provided it should be treated cautiously as th data is limited in many areas.

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Misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis? What are the potential implications for undiagnosed autistic people?


Rachel Symons reviews a recent Italian study which finds that autism spectrum disorder is still commonly undiagnosed and misdiagnosed in adults.

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Age at onset of mental disorders: global meta-analysis provides data for targeting effective interventions


Dona Matthews summarises a comprehensive global meta-analysis that presents our best current knowledge on the age of onset of various mental disorders. This review has major implications for our mental health promotion and prevention efforts.

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Alexithymia and suicide, violence, and dual harm in male prisoners


Ross Nedoma reviews a recent cross-sectional study examining the links between alexithymia and suicide, violence or dual harm among male prisoners in the UK.

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Risk factors for suicide in men: new review highlights substance misuse, marital status and depression


Holly Crudgington summarises a recent systematic review and narrative synthesis of risk factors for suicidal behaviour in men, which finds that substance misuse, marital status and depression are the strongest risk factors.

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Are changes in blood pressure and weight linked to later dementia?


Meenakshi Shukla summarises a systematic review exploring the trajectory of blood pressure, body mass index, cholesterol and incident dementia.

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Suicide rates in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic: cross-national data provide no evidence of an increase


Karel Kieslich, Rosalind McAlpine and Alexandra Pitman review a recent study exploring suicide trends in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic with real-time data from 21 countries.

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