Results: 593

For: Diagnosis

Persistent anxiety disorders: who is most at risk?


Tessa Reardon summarises a systematic review, which reports on the specific clinical and psychological factors that predict persistent anxiety disorders.

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Oral examination for detecting oral cancer


This review of the diagnostic accuracy of visual inspection compared with biopsy (gold standard) for the diagnosis or oral cancer and oral potentially malignant dissorders included 18 studies. For malignant lesions the pooled sensitivity was 88% (95%CI; 73% to 95%) and specificity 81%(95%CI; 51% to 95%).

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Diagnostic labels: helpful or harmful?


In her debut blog, Carla Kundert explores a systematic review which looks at how diagnostic labels affect social responses to people with mental illness.

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Exposure to air pollution increases mental health service use, according to new UK study


Wajeeha Raza and Peter Coventry review a retrospective cohort study exploring the association between air pollution exposure and mental health service use among individuals with first presentations of psychotic and mood disorders.

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Childhood trauma, bullying-victimisation and the mental health of LGBTQ+ individuals


Andie Ashdown and Theophanis Kyriacou review a study from the Netherlands that looks at the links between childhood trauma, bullying-victimization and mental illness in people from sexual minority groups.

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Parental loss and grief in childhood linked to an increased risk of depression in adulthood #ActiveIngredientsMH


In her debut blog, Lauren Breen summarises a paper relevant to her Active Ingredients project, which seeks to understand the impact that grief reduction interventions can have on reducing anxiety and depression in young people aged 14-24 years.

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COVID-19 lockdowns and school closures: what’s the impact on youth mental health? #CAMHScampfire


Douglas Badenoch appraises a recent cross-sectional survey study, which looks at COVID-19 partial school closures and mental health problems.

Follow #CAMHScampfire on Twitter at 5pm GMT on Monday 13th December for an online journal club discussing this paper. Or sign up now to join the free webinar hosted by ACAMH.

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Endodontic diagnosis – conventional radiography versus cone beam computed tomography


Mark-Steven Howe looks at this is diagnostic test accuracy review comparing conventional and cone-beam computed tomography for detecting persistent apical disease after root canal treatment.

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Parenting practices and bullying in adolescents: what’s the link? #CAMHScampfire


Douglas Badenoch appraises a recent cross-sectional study, which looks the associations between parenting practices and bullying in adolescents.

Follow #CAMHScampfire on Twitter at 5pm GMT on Monday 22nd November for an online journal club discussing this paper. Or sign up now to join the free webinar hosted by ACAMH.

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Early enamel caries: Detection and diagnosis


This comparative analysis of 5 Cochrane caries diagnostic test accuracy studies provides summary estimates for most currently available technologies. However the certainty of the evidence is considered low and it is difficult to predict real world performance.

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