Mark Brown blogs about the new Urban Mind study, which looks at how smartphones can measure the impact of nature on mental well-being in real time.
[read the full story...]Mark Brown blogs about the new Urban Mind study, which looks at how smartphones can measure the impact of nature on mental well-being in real time.
[read the full story...]Lisa Marzano and Andrea Cipriani explore a new systematic review and meta-analysis about the associations between problematic Facebook use, psychological distress and well-being among adolescents and young adults.
[read the full story...]Jennifer Burgess writes her debut elf blog on evidence from two population-based cohorts of the association between depression in fathers and their adolescent children.
[read the full story...]Francesca Solmi appraises and summaries a recent population-based cohort study that explores the links between eating disorders and autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases.
[read the full story...]Today Marcus Tan and William Lee publish their debut elf blog on a new paper in the British Journal of Psychiatry, which investigates the association between traumatic events and subsequent psychotic experiences.
[read the full story...]Stefan Brugger publishes his debut elf blog on a recent study, which looks at the role of vulnerability and resilience in relation to mental health and bullying in childhood.
Today marks the start of #AntiBullyingWeek, so look out for lots of activity around this theme on social media.
[read the full story...]Dan Joyce publishes his debut blog on a recent paper in the British Journal of Psychiatry that considers the feasibility and clinical utility of magnetic resonance imaging in first-episode psychosis.
[read the full story...]Marcus Munafò reports on a new genome-wide association study that identifies 44 risk variants and helps us to further refine the genetic architecture of major depressive disorder.
[read the full story...]Judith Harrison publishes her debut blog on a recent cohort study in the British Journal of Psychiatry, which shows that the “mortality gap” is increasing for people with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
[read the full story...]Alex Langford considers a recent paper about inpatient suicide, which suggests that being on a psychiatric ward may possibly result in people taking their own life.
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