Results: 593

For: Diagnosis

Can brain scans help reduce the guilt and shame associated with adolescent self-harm?

Teenage girl depression - lost love - isolated on white background

Rachel Symons summarises a recent study, which shows that poor connectivity between brain regions may be an indicator of non-suicidal self-injury in young people.

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Blue Whale Challenge and suicide contagion


Holly Crudgington reviews a qualitative study that examines the self-harm and suicide contagion effects of the Blue Whale Challenge on YouTube and Twitter.

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Increased alcohol consumption during the pandemic: explained


Ian Hamilton reviews a recent longitudinal study from Finland, which explores the psychological stressors predicting increased drinking during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Violence and mental illness: does ignoring this blog stigmatise some people who need our help?


In his debut blog, Joseph Schwartz explores a systematic review finding that a range of psychiatric disorders are associated with an elevated risk of violence.

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Suicide in children and young people can happen without warning


Shirley Reynolds reviews a records study which finds that around one third of children and young people who die by suicide have no explicit prior risk.

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Light-based tests for early caries detection


This Cochrane review aimed to estimate the diagnostic test accuracy of different illumination tests for the detection and diagnosis of enamel caries in children or adults. 24 datasets from 23 studies were included with optical coherence tomography showing the most potential but more research is needed.

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Stigma and discrimination in people at risk of psychosis


Dave Steele explores a systematic review which finds that people who are at risk of psychosis are likely to experience stigma and discrimination.

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Psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression: what are the effects on brain activity?


Anya Borissova summarises the therapeutic mechanisms of psilocybin in treatment-resistant depression and changes noticed in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex during emotional processing.

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Fluorescence devices for caries detection

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This Cochrane diagnostic test accuracy review of fluorescence-based devices for the detection and diagnosis of enamel caries included 131 studies with 114 datasets from 79 studies contributing to the meta-analyses.

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Assessing digital risk: a mixed-methods study assessing psychiatry trainee’s experiences, views and understanding


Georgie Parker reviews a mixed-methods study exploring psychiatry trainees understanding, experience of and competence assessing and managing digital risk.

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