This Cochrane diagnostic test accuracy review of fluorescence-based devices for the detection and diagnosis of enamel caries included 131 studies with 114 datasets from 79 studies contributing to the meta-analyses.
[read the full story...]This Cochrane diagnostic test accuracy review of fluorescence-based devices for the detection and diagnosis of enamel caries included 131 studies with 114 datasets from 79 studies contributing to the meta-analyses.
[read the full story...]This Cochrane review assessing the diagnostic test accuracy of index tests for the detection and diagnosis of root caries in adults included 4 studies and 4997 root surfaces. The studies were all at high risk of bias meaning the available evidence is of very low certainty
[read the full story...]In his first blog for the Dental Elf Rajpal Tattar take a look at a review of the diagnostic accuracy of salivary biomarkers for the detection of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). The review considers two biomarkers, cytokeratin 19 fragment (CYFRA 21-1) and for matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) but there is no conclusive evidence for either at present.
[read the full story...]Saliva has been suggested as having potential diagnostic value in COVID-19 patients. In this blog Manas Dave looks at a recent review of the subject which included 28 studies.
[read the full story...]This review of the accuracy of the near-infrared light transillumination (NILT) for the detection of interproximal dental caries in permanent dentition included 13 studies with 6 contributing to a meta-analasis. Findings suggest that NILT is reasonably comparable to bitewings.
[read the full story...]In their debut blog, Rina Dutta and Charlotte Cliffe summarise a mixed methods study, which explores public opinion about using social media to diagnose depression.
[read the full story...]In this blog Mark-Steven Howe takes a look at the findings ot two reviews of non-contact thermometers for detecting potentially infected staff or patients.
[read the full story...]Mark-Steven Howe looks at the diagnostic test accuracy of Covid-19 antibody tests in this opinion piece.
[read the full story...]Linda Gask reviews a recent qualitative exploration of UK general practitioners’ perceptions of distinctions between emotional distress and depression.
[read the full story...]This review of the diagnostic accuracy of panoramic radiography (PR) in the detection of calcified carotid artery atheroma (CCAA) suggests that PR has good dianostic accuracy compared with Doppler ultrasonograph.
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