Key points Artificial intelligence (AI) models show promise for detecting cavities, but their accuracy varies depending on the method used. AI may be better at detecting early cavities than advanced ones. Professional and dental cameras provide better results than smartphone cameras. Background Dental caries is a widespread problem, and early detection is crucial. While [read the full story…]
Results: 83
For: diagnostic testNeuroimaging abnormalities in first-episode psychosis: clinically-relevant or not?

Joe Pierre considers a systematic review and meta-analysis on the prevalence of neuroimaging abnormalities in first-episode psychosis and the clinical relevance for service users presenting with first-episode psychosis.
[read the full story...]Raman spectroscopy in oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer

Rajpal Tattar take a look at this review of Raman scattering-based diagnostic systems in oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer diagnosis.
[read the full story...]Oral examination for detecting oral cancer

This review of the diagnostic accuracy of visual inspection compared with biopsy (gold standard) for the diagnosis or oral cancer and oral potentially malignant dissorders included 18 studies. For malignant lesions the pooled sensitivity was 88% (95%CI; 73% to 95%) and specificity 81%(95%CI; 51% to 95%).
[read the full story...]Endodontic diagnosis – conventional radiography versus cone beam computed tomography

Mark-Steven Howe looks at this is diagnostic test accuracy review comparing conventional and cone-beam computed tomography for detecting persistent apical disease after root canal treatment.
[read the full story...]Early enamel caries: Detection and diagnosis

This comparative analysis of 5 Cochrane caries diagnostic test accuracy studies provides summary estimates for most currently available technologies. However the certainty of the evidence is considered low and it is difficult to predict real world performance.
[read the full story...]Loneliness “from the outside”: how are lonely young people perceived by others?

In her debut blog, Phoebe McKenna-Plumley explores a mixed methods study of young people, which finds concordance between self-reported loneliness and others’ perceptions of loneliness.
[read the full story...]Proximal caries diagnostic measures

This review of diagnostic accuracy and reliability of commonly used caries detection methods for proximal caries included 36 studies the majority (31) being conducted in-vitro. A limited number of studies were available to assess most of the diagnostic tests and how the findings from in-vitro studies translates to the the clinical situation needs to be considered cautiously.
[read the full story...]Occlusal caries diagnostic measures

This review of the diagnostic performance of commonly used methods for occlusal caries diagnoses included 37 studies the majority (29) being conducted in-vitro. While summary diagnostic performance datafor a muber of diagnistic methods is provided it should be treated cautiously as th data is limited in many areas.
[read the full story...]Misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis? What are the potential implications for undiagnosed autistic people?

Rachel Symons reviews a recent Italian study which finds that autism spectrum disorder is still commonly undiagnosed and misdiagnosed in adults.
[read the full story...]