This review of the association between gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and dental erosion in children included 13 observational studies. The findings suggest positive association association between GERD and dental erosion in children however this should be interpreted cautiously because of the wide variety of diagnostic methods used in the included studies.
This review of the prevalence of tooth grinding and/or clenching in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders and other developmental anomalies included 77 studies from 2 countries. However a large proportion of the studies were at high risk of bias so the findings need to be interpreted with caution.
An updated version of ‘Delivering Better Oral Health, ’ the oral health prevention toolkit published iby Public Health England to provide practical evidence-based guidance for promoting oral health and preventing oral disease is now available.
This review of the effects of dietary acids and habits on dental erosion in the permanent dentition of 10- to 19-year-old adolescents included 52 observational studies. While the findings suggest some risk factors may contribute to dental erosion more high quality prospective studies are needed.
This review of the association between erosive toothwear and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease or symptoms (GERD/S) included 27 observational studies with 19 contributing to the meta-analyses. Findings suggest patients with GERD/S have 2–4 fold increased odds of erosive toothwear.
This review of glutaraldehyde or fluoride varnish for dentine hypersensitivity included just 4 small RCTs . The findings suggest a benefit in favour of glutaraldehyde at 7 days but the short-term nature of the studies and their limited quality means these findings should be interpreted cautiously.
Sixteen studies were included in this review of oral appliances for sleep bruxism. The included studies were small and mainly short term and only 7 studies were RCTs . Although the availabel evidence suggests a short term benefit further high-quality studies of longer duration are needed.
This review of risk factors for sleep bruxism identified 9 studies involving a total of 12,454 patients. Strong associations were found for sleep bruxism, GERD and a gene related to serotonergic neurotransmission.
This review of diagnostic tools for sleep bruxism included 8 studies the majority being at high risk of bias. Portable diagnostic devices had best validity but quality of evidence was very-low to moderate.
This cohort study followed 13-14 year old Swedish adolescents over 4 years finding high incidence and prevalence of erosion, with higher levels being seen in males.