This recently published critical summary of a systematic review was prepared under the auspices of the American Dental Association Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry. The review summarised aimed to assess the effectiveness of the NTI-tss (Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition tension suppression system) device for the treatment of bruxism, headache and temporomandibular disorders was originally published in 2008.
The summariser notes that since the NTI-tss device was approved by the FDA in 1998 it has earned both praise and criticism in the lay and dental press. Unfortunately despite a search of nine databases the review only identified 5 small RCTs with methodological weaknessess.
While the available evidence suggests that the NTI-tss device may be beneficial the authors recommend patient compliance with follow-up control sessions to avoid potential adverse events.
Go to the PubMed abstract of the original review