In patients with moderate to advanced periodontitis this longitudinal study demonstrated that long-term tooth retention is possible for compliant patients using a non-regenerative treatment concept.
[read the full story...]Results: 350
For: periodontal diseaseTop Dental Elf Blogs of 2016
During 2016 the Dental Elves has published 158 blogs covering a broad range of topics. The most popular blogs of each month are highlighted.
[read the full story...]Gingival recession: long term outcomes of no treatment
Six studies were included in this review of gingival recession. The findings suggest that in patients with good oral hygiene recession is likely to progress.
[read the full story...]Autism spectrum disorders- caries and periodontal disease levels high?
7 small observational studies were included in this review of oral health status in people with autism spectrum disorders higher levels of caries and periodontal disease are suggested in this population.
[read the full story...]Dentine hypersensitivity: do mouthwashes help?
This review of mouthwashes for the management of dentine hypersensitivity included 7 small studies all at high risk of bias. While minor benefits in patients’ subjective perception were seen the limited quality of the study means these findings should be interpreted with caution.
[read the full story...]Anti-plaque agents: do they help reduce plaque levels?
63 RCTs contributed to this network meta-analysis of the effectiveness of anti-plaque agents. Results suggested that toothpastes containing triclosan-copolymer or chlorhexidine and mouthrinses containing essential oils or chlorhexidine had the most effect on plaque indicies at 6 months.
[read the full story...]Toothpaste and plaque removal
This review of the efficacy of brushing with and without a toothpaste for plaque removal identified 10 trials involving a total of 444 patients. While the results suggest no differences other reviews have demonstrated clear oral health benefits from brushing with toothpaste.
[read the full story...]Orthodontic retainers: impact on periodontal health
While 24 studies were included in this review of the impact of orthodontic retainers on periodontal health there was a lack of high quality evidence to support any particular retainer on this or a range of other parameters. More well-designed and long terms studies are required.
[read the full story...]Essential oils mouthwash reduced plaque and gingival inflammation
This review of essential oils mouthwashes included 16 RCTs and found them to be more effective for the reduction of plaque and gingival inflammation than mechanical plaque control either alone (placebo) or in combination with mouthwashes with CPC.
[read the full story...]Periodontal treatment: effectiveness of intra-pocket anaesthesia
This review of intra-pocket anaesthesia for patients having scaling and root planing included 11 trials and demonstrated a benefit over placebo.
[read the full story...]