This review of fixed functional appliances for treatment of class II malocclusion included 9 studies, only one of which was a RCT. The findings suggest that fixed functional appliances are effective at producing short term improvements in class II malocclusions but should be interpreted with caution because of the quality of the available evidence.
This cost minimisation study was based on a small RCT comparing fixed or removable appliances for the treatment of anterior crossbite in Sweden. The overall costs were €678 for fixed appliances and €1031 for removable appliances.
This review of in-vitro studies included 9 studies and found photo-curing time, force location, bracket area, and crosshead speed of the testing machine affected sheer bond strength. Use of adhesive resin primer did not affect bond strength.
This 3-centre randomised trial, involving 138 patients, found no clinically significant difference in treatment efficiency between treatment with a self-ligating bracket system and a conventional ligation system.
This Cochrane review only identified 4 small short-term trials providing limited evidence for the effectiveness of surgical approaches to accelerate orthodontic treatment. Further research with longer follow up is needed to confirm any possible benefit.
This review focused on lingual orthodontic retention including 27 studies (9 RCTs; 6 prospective and 12 retrospective studies). However, the quality of evidence was low, providing little evidence for the best treatment protocols.
This Cochrane review included 6 small studies at high risk of bias and found that orthodontic appliances or psychological intervention seems to be effective to help children stop sucking that does not have a feeding purpose.
This overview brings together 14 systematic reviews of varying quality on a range of appliances for the management of class II malocclusions. There is some evidence of some benefit from some types of appliance but more studies of a higher quality are needed.
This review of interceptive orthodontic treatments included 22 studies. However, there were only a small number of studies available for the range of interventions in use. Consequently there is a lack of evidence on whether there is a benefit over and above commencing treatment later.
A 3-year school-based cohort study found that oral health related quality of life improved in young people over time whether or not they had undergone orthodontic treatment.