We take a look at the recently updated guidance on the Management of Dental Patients Taking Anticoagulants or Antiplatelet Drug from the Scottish Dental Clinical effectiveness programme (SDCEP).
[read the full story...]We take a look at the recently updated guidance on the Management of Dental Patients Taking Anticoagulants or Antiplatelet Drug from the Scottish Dental Clinical effectiveness programme (SDCEP).
[read the full story...]This review of the prevalence of autoimmune disorders in patients with oral lichen planus (OLP) and their magnitude of association included 153 studies. while links between autoimmune thyroid diseases and diabetes mellitus where shown a majority of the included studies were of low quality.
[read the full story...]This review of the association between non-antiresorptive medications and medication‐related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) included 70 studies. A majority of the studies (77%) were case series and the quantity and quality of the evidence is low so the findings should be interpreted cautiously.
[read the full story...]This review of the efficacy of topical sialogogue spray containing malic acid 1% for treating xerostomia included 5 RCTs involving 244 patients. While the findings suggested a benefit the available studies are small, of short duration and none are at low risk of bias.
[read the full story...]This Cochrane review update of the diagnostic test accuracy of conventional oral examination, vital rinsing, light-based detection, mouth self-examination, remote screening, and biomarkers, used singly or in combination, for the early detection of OPMD or OSCC in apparently healthy adults included 18 studies.
[read the full story...]This review of high quality studies of oral lichen planus malignant transformation rate included 10 observational studies. The findings found a higher level of malignant transformation in higher quality studies 2.28% (95%CI; 1.49 to 3.20) compared with reviews including lower quality studies 1.14% (0.84 to 1.49).
[read the full story...]This review of the the frequency of osteonecrosis of the jaw in bisphosphonate users undergoing dental interventions included 27 studies. having dental procedures of 2.7% (95%CI: 0.9 to 5.2%) being higher in those having dental extractions 4.1% (95%CI: 1.5 to 7.7%).
[read the full story...]Conventional ice chip cryotherapy was compared with a novel intraoral cooling device in this multi-centre randomised controlled trail conducted in five Scandinavian centres.
[read the full story...]This review of the efficacy of oral cryotherapy in the prevention of chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis included 14 studies and a total of 1577 patients. The findings indicate that oral cryotherapy is effective in preventing oral mucositis in patients undergoing chemotherapy for the management of solid malignancies.
[read the full story...]This review of the efficacy of topical hyaluronic acid (HA) for reducing the signs and symptoms of recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) included 9 studies 8 of which were RCTs. The findings suggest that HA may be a potential treatment option for RAS but the evidence is of very low certainty.
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