The overnight wearing of dentures is a risk factor for oral candida infection. Good dental hygiene prior overnight storage may reduce levels of candida and prevent development of denture stomatitis.
The aim of this review was to assess the effect of overnight storage conditions on complete denture colonization by Candida albicans and to explore the effect of overnight storage conditions on the dimensional stability of complete dentures.
Searches were conducted in them Medline and Scopus databases. Randomized controlled studies (RCTs) or comparative studies that included completely edentulous patients treated with complete dentures which evaluated the effect of overnight storage conditions on the colonization of C. albicans and published in English were considered. Data was extracted and a narrative summary presented because of study heterogeneity.
- 6 studies were included.
- 4 studies (3 RCTs, 1 comparative) involving 125 patients evaluated the effect of over-night storage conditions on albicans colonization.
- The findings suggest the importance of the pre- overnight storage cleaning regimen to first reduce the albicans colonization
- 3 in-vitro studies evaluated dimensional stability.
The authors concluded: –
Cleaning of dentures before overnight storage helps reduce C. albicans colonization. If the dentures are not cleaned, the use of an alkaline peroxide-based cleaning tablet should be considered. Alternately, overnight dry storage is an option for reducing C. albicans colonization, with clinically insignificant changes to the dimensions of the complete denture. Storing dentures in water alone may promote C. albicans colonization.
The authors have only searched two databases and restricted the inclusion criteria to the English language so relevant studies may have been excluded. It Is not clear whether duplicate selection and data abstraction was undertaken and no formal process of study quality assessment is presented although it is discussed. Only 4 of the studies were related to the overnight storage conditions on complete denture colonization by Candida albicans the review’s main objective. All 4 included studies were small the largest involving 51 patients in 3 groups. The available evidence is limited and of low quality so well conducted and reported trials of appropriate size and required.
Primary Paper
Verhaeghe TV, Wyatt CC, Mostafa NZ. The effect of overnight storage conditions on complete denture colonization by Candida albicans and dimensional stability: A systematic review. J Prosthet Dent. 2020 Aug;124(2):176-182. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2019.07.014. Epub 2019 Nov 29. PMID: 31787270.
Other references
Dental Elf -20th Nov 2017
Dental Elf -10th May 2017
Denture stomatitis: some evidence for nystatin and disinfecting agents
Dental Elf – 18th Dec 2013
Dental Elf -21st Jul 2011
Guidelines for the care and maintenance of complete dentures