The potential use of hypotensive anaesthesia for maxillofacial surgery was first noted in the 1950s. Since then a number of studies have been reported on the effects of hypotensive anaesthesia in relation to blood loss operating time and surgical field quality producing conflicting results. The aim of this review was to evaluate the efficacy of [read the full story…]
This review of the effect of orthodontic extractions on the angulation of third molars included only 14 retrospective studies. This provides very low quality evidence of any effect
The Cochrane review of of materials for retrograde root filling identified 6 RCTs all at high risk of bias. The trials provide insufficient evidence to draw any conclusion as to the benefits of any one material over another so more high quality studies are needed.
This review of postoperative hilothrarpy (cryotherapy) in facial surgery included 6 RCTs none of which were at low risk of bias. The findings suggest that it reduces swelling and pain in the early postoperative period. However more high quality studies from a broader range of researches are needed to confirm the findings.
This review of maxillary sinus lift procedures prior to implant placement included 16 observational studies. The studies suggest no difference in outcomes with or without the use of graft material.
This review of treatments for teeth with intrusive luxation included 8 studies. The studies were all considered to be at high risk of bias and suggested that spontaneous re-eruption should be the treatment of choice. However the small number of studies and limited quality means these findings should be interpreted with caution.
8 small RCTs were identified for this review of the effect of flap design on periodontal outcomes following third molar removal. The available evidence did not favour any particular flap design.
This Cochrane review of maxillary distraction osteogenesis compared to orthognathic surgery for the treatment of hypoplastic maxilla in people with cleft lip and palate only identified a single small trial providing very low quality evidence. Further high quality research is needed.
This review of the management of keratocystic odontogenic tumors included 14 mainly retrospective studies ans suggests that initial cystectomy, with or without adjuvant therapy, is associated with the least chance of recurrence.
This review of alveolar ridge preservation techniques addressed two questions. They main one of benefit over unassisted healing only included 9 small studies of short duration providing limited evidence to support its use.