This review of regenerative endodontic treatment (RET) or mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) apical plug (MAP)in the treatment of teeth with pulp necrosis and open apices used broad inclusion criteria. 144 studies were identified suggesting promising outcomes. However the quality of the available evidence is very low and more high quality research is needed.
[read the full story...]Results: 147
For: endodonticsRegenerative endodontics in non-vital immature permanent teeth
This review of regenerative endodontics for non-vital immature permanent teeth included 14 studies. Although suggesting good outcomes overall they were of low quality with a high risk of bias. Larger high quality studies are needed.
[read the full story...]Prednisolone for post-endodontic pain?
This randomised controlled trial of a single, preoperative oral dose of prednisolone on post-endodontic pain involved 400 patients demonstrating a significant reduction in pain at 6,12 and 24 hours.
[read the full story...]Endodontic pain can be managed with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
This review of the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for the management of post endodontic pain demonstrates that they do help to manage the pain.
[read the full story...]Post-endodontic pain: is it lower with rotary or reciprocating instruments?
This review of the effect of rotary or reciprocating instruments on post-endodontic pain included 3 RCTs involving 1317 patients. There is limited evidence of any clear difference between the two techniques.
[read the full story...]Step wise caries removal sustained pulp vitality up to 5 years
This well designed trial compares the impact on pulp vitality of step wise verses traditional caries removal. after 5 years. THe findings suggest significantly improved outcomes with the step wise approach.
[read the full story...]Endodontics or extraction and implant for the pulpally involved tooth?
45 studies are included in this review of endodontic treatment or implants for the pulpally involved tooth. The studies are are observational with few comparative studies and while they summarise success rates for various treatments they should be interpreted cautiously. High quality comparative studies are needed as well as agreement on common reporting outcomes.
[read the full story...]Dental pulp testing: insufficient evidence to evaluate clinical performance
This review of pulp sensibility and vitality tests identified 8 studies (4 Cohorts, 4 Case-controlled) . The number of studies matching the inclusion criteria did not provide a sufficient foundation to evaluate the clinical performance of pulp vitality tests.
[read the full story...]Pre-operative analgesia for patients with pulpitis improved anaesthetic success
16 RCTs involving 1900 patients were included in this review of pre-op analgesia for patients with pulpitis . The findings suggest that premedication with analgesics improves the success rate of local anaesthesia.
[read the full story...]Endodontic postoperative pain: which non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug?
The review of NSAIDs for endodontic postoperative pain suggests that NSAIDs are effective. A combination of ibuprofen 600 mg and acetaminophen 1000 mg and Ibuprofen 600 mg were both effective. More studies are need to assess teh most effective NSAIDs dosages and does intervals.
[read the full story...]