Dear Users
To complement our ongoing online service evaluation survey available via this link
We are conducting interviews as part of a research study to increase our understanding of how the Dental Elf website is perceived and experienced by the users of the website. As a valuable Dental Elf user, you are in an ideal position to give us valuable first-hand information from your own perspective.
The interview takes around 30 minutes and will be taking place online via MS Teams. We are simply trying to capture your thoughts and perspectives on being a Dental Elf user. Your responses to the questions will be kept confidential. Each interview will be assigned a number code to help ensure that personal identifiers are not revealed during the analysis and write up of findings.
There is no compensation for participating in this study. However, your participation will be a valuable addition to our research and findings could lead to greater understanding about the website. If you are willing to participate, please suggest a day and time that suits you and I’ll do my best to be available. As we are only interviewing a small sample of people, participants will be randomly selected in case we get more people offering to participate than we need.
If you are interested in participating please contact:-
Mayuri Sooraj (2525247@dundee.ac.uk ) for further details.