Craniofacial anomalies are a highly diverse group of complex congenital defects, which affect a small but significant proportion of populations. Oral clefts (cleft lip and palate) are the most frequent craniofacial anomalies. The aim of this study was to review the relationship of maternal and paternal age with the occurrence of non-syndromic oral clefts. The [read the full story…]
This aim of this review was to identify if patients individuals born with non-syndromic oral clefts had a higher frequency of dental anomalies. Searches were conducted in Medline, BIREME, OVID all EBM Reviews, and the Cochrane Library. Papers reporting observational controlled studies of non-syndromic forms of oral clefts matched for dental anomalies in primary and/or [read the full story…]
About 75% of cleft lip and palate patients have a bony defect in the gum of the mouth (alveolar cleft). If not repaired it gives rise to many problems. While bone grafting is widely accepted by professionals in cleft care, there is still controversy around the technique, timing, site from which bone is taken and [read the full story…]