This is an update of a Cochrane review first published in 2009. The aim of the review was to assess the effects of antibacterial agents incorporated into composite restorations for the prevention of dental caries. Searches were conducted in the Cochrane Oral Health Group’s Trials Register the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) Medline, [read the full story…]
Results: 353
For: cariesOnly low quality evidence available for effectiveness of interdental toothbrushes
Good oral hygiene to ensure the effective removal of dental plaque is key to maintaining good oral health. While toothbrushing is the most commonly used method, dental floss and interdental brushes are both widely available and recommended adjuncts to toothbrushing. A 2011 Cochrane review by Sambunjak et al assessed the evidence for dental floss (Dental [read the full story…]
Detailed review finds that restricting free sugar intake reduces caries development
Over the years a large number of reports have been conducted into the links between sugar and dental caries. In 2002 the Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation on ‘Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases’ (WHO/FAO 2003), recommendation that free sugars should provide no more than 10% of Energy (E), was largely based on data [read the full story…]
Chlorhexidine reduces plaque and inflammation but causes staining – new ADA-EBD critical summary
The latest ADA-EBD critical summary looks at a 2012 systematic review by Van Strydonck et al which looked at the effectiveness of Chlorhexidine (CHX) mouthrinse against plaque growth, gingival inflammation as well as the degree of staining. We have blogged about this review earlier (Dental Elf – 21st Sept 2012) As this new appraisal highlights, [read the full story…]
Review shows that triclosan copolymer toothpaste reduced plaque, gingivitis and caries
Triclosan is a polychloro phenoxy phenol that has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. It has been used since the 1970 in a range of products including soaps, deodorants, mouthwashes and toothpastes. The aim of this Cochrane review was to assess the effects of triclosan/copolymer containing fluoride toothpastes (TCT), compared with fluoride toothpastes, for the long-term control [read the full story…]
ADA-EBD Topical Fluoride recommendations podcast
For those of you who like to listen to your information instead of reading it the American Dental Association have released a podcast to go with their update of the clinical recommendations for topical fluoride agents to prevent dental caries, which I covered in a blog on the 4th November. In the podcast Dr. Robert [read the full story…]
Only poor quality evidence available to assess the effect of probiotics on caries
The use of probiotics for a wide range of conditions has been promoted and a potential caries protective effect has also been postulated. The aim of this review was to assess the caries preventive effect of probiotics in humans. The Medline and Embase databases were searched for randomised controlled trials assessing the in vivo role [read the full story…]
ADA updates its clinical recommendations on topical fluoride for caries prevention
In 2006 the American Dental Association (ADA) published recommendations regarding professionally applied topical fluorides. An update of these guidelines has just been published. An executive summary is available from the Journal of the American Dental Association and the full report can be downloaded from the ADA – Centre for Evidence-based Dentistry (ADA-EBD) website (see links). [read the full story…]
Review reiterates that certain features of dental neglect are clearly identifiable
Sadly child mistreatment, including abuse and neglect are a reality in society. In the UK, dental neglect has been defined as, ‘‘the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic oral health needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of a child’s oral or general health and development’’. The aim of this review was to identify [read the full story…]
Review suggests cleft lip and or palate patients may have higher prevalence of caries
Cleft lip and palate is a relatively common birth defect that occurs in around 1 in 700 births and there have been contradictory reports of caries prevalence in CLP populations with some studies finding no difference and others an increase in prevalence. The aim of this review was to evaluate caries prevalence in non-syndromic patient [read the full story…]