This review is part of the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study. It included a large number of observational studies and estimates that 2.4 Billion have untreated decay in permanent teeth and 621 million children have untreated caries in primary teeth.
[read the full story...]Results: 353
For: cariesMouthwashes and plaque control in orthodontic patients
This review of mouthwash use in patients having fixed banded orthodontic treatment included 15 small studies and suggests that they reduce plaque levels. However the clinical relevance of the findings are uncertain and larger well conducted studies are needed.
[read the full story...]Xylitol gum reduced mutans streptococci transmission
This review identified 5 trials reported in 11 publications and found that the chewing of xylitol gum by mothers significantly reduced transmission of mutans streptococci to their children. However the effects on caries were inconsistent.
[read the full story...]Caries risk assessment using the Cariogram model in young adults
This three year long prospective cohort study involving over 1,000 young Swedish adults found that the Cariogram system was no better than existing methods for caries risk assessment.
[read the full story...]Dental screening: a role for hygiene-therapists?
This study compared the diagnostic accuracy of dental screening by hygiene-therapists with dentists. The results show that they could be used to screen for caries and periodontal disease. This could allow for a change in the traditional model of dental care seen in the UK.
[read the full story...]Root caries: little evidence available on which to base restorative treatment recommendations
This systematic review only identified 5 small studies focussed on a limited sub group of the populations at risk of root caries. The available evidence is limited and cannot be used to provide recommendations on restorative treatment for root caries.
[read the full story...]Slow-release fluoride devices: review finds insufficient evidence to show they reduce dental decay
This new update of a Cochrane review only identified 1 study that randomised 174 children but analysed only 63. While there was a reduction in caries in those children with the slow-release fluoride glass bead the study is at high risk of bias and provides insufficient evidence to determine the caries-inhibiting effect of slow-release fluoride glass beads.
[read the full story...]Lidocaine: trial suggests that buffering may not improve success of inferior alveolar nerve block
A 2010 Cochrane review that was not able to include any dental studies did find that buffering lidocaine decreased pain on injection and augmented patient comfort and satisfaction. This new dental trial included 80 patients with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis but found no significant difference with success rates with buffered lidocaine.
[read the full story...]Root caries: review suggests potential benefits from 5000ppm fluoride, chlorhexidine and silver diamine varnishes
The prevalence of root caries is expected to rise and this review looked at a range of agents for non-invasive management. While 30 studies were identified they consider a large number of agents. While the review suggested that 5000ppm fluoride dentifrice was effective the number of available trials for this and the other agent was small and of limited quality.
[read the full story...]Caries: review suggests complete removal not best approach
This review of caries excavation strategies identified 28 studies including 19 RCTs. None were considered to be at low risk of bias . The results suggest that not attempting to remove all softened or stainable dentine could reduce the risk of complications
[read the full story...]