Results: 353

For: caries

Motivational interviewing for paediatric oral health


The review of motivational interviewing (MI) to improve parent-child health interventions included 25 studies in all with 4 dental studies. The dental studies demonstrated a positive effect on oral health and were suggestive of a benefit on dental caries.

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Laminate restorations in posterior teeth: evidence limited


This review included 13 small studies of limited quality. While the available evidence suggests there may be no difference, further long-term high quality studies are required to confirm if this is the case.

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Amalgam has lower failure rate than composite in restorations


8 studies were included in this review comparing amalgam with composite in posterior restorations. There was a statistically significant benefit in favour of amalgam for both restoration failure and secondary caries.

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Water fluoridation effective at reducing caries


This Cochrane review identified 155 studies with 107 contributing to the quantitative analysis. There was a 35% reduction in dmft and a 26% reduction in DMFT. There was an approximately 15% increase in the percentage of caries-free children after water fluoridation. At a fluoride level of 0.7 ppm, the percentage of participants with fluorosis of aesthetic concern was approximately 12%.

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Fluoride gel applications reduce caries


The update of the 2002 Cochrane review of fluoride included 28 trials finding an average 28% reduction (95% CI; 19-36%) in decayed, missing and filled tooth surfaces. There is little information about adverse effects or how well children and young people were able to cope with the gel application.

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Posterior resin restorations: high survival at 4 years

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This review of 8 studies involving 910 posterior resin restorations in 420 patients found a survival rate at 4 years = 0.93 (95% CI; 0.91- 0.95). However, the overall quality of the evidence was low.

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Radiographic caries detection is highly accurate for cavitated proximal lesions

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This review of 117 studies, which were mainly in vitro studies (93), found radiographic caries detection to be highly accurate for cavitated proximal lesions and also suitable to detect dentine caries lesions.

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Caries detection: visual detection has good accuracy

occlusal caries, molar teeth

This review included 102 studies the majority (77%) being laboratory-based findings that visual inspection had good caries detection accuracy in primary and permanent teeth, with a trend for higher specificity than sensitivity.

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