Results: 353

For: caries

Developmental defects of enamel and caries in primary dentition


This blog post is by Hayley Foulds, current CT 1 in Paediatric Dentistry at Glasgow Dental Hospital and School. The following article was the topic for discussion at the most recent Paediatric Dentistry Journal Club.

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Step wise caries removal sustained pulp vitality up to 5 years


This well designed trial compares the impact on pulp vitality of step wise verses traditional caries removal. after 5 years. THe findings suggest significantly improved outcomes with the step wise approach.

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Breast feeding duration and caries risk

"Breast is best" is the clear message to all new Mums, but should this advice be tailored for women with depression?

This debut blog by Fiona Hogg considers a recent cohort study that looked at the effect of longer breastfeeding on caries and is based on a discussion of the paper at a Glasgow Dental Hospital’s Paediatric Dentistry Journal Club meeting.   

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Caries prevention in young children: topical fluoride alone not sufficient suggests trial

caries upper arch

This large trial investigated the use of a ‘preventive package’ of fluoride varnish, fluoride toothpaste, toothbrush and standard dental health education in children between 2-3 years attending general practice. The intervention did not keep young children caries free but did reduce caries levels.

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Occlusal caries prevention: Seal or varnish?

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This large, well-conducted study in a primary care setting found a small, but not statistically significant difference, between fissure sealants and fluoride varnish for the prevention of caries in first permanent molars at 36 months.

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Caries lesions in enamel – Still drill and fill?


This review of dental clinicians thresholds for intervention in teeth with caries included 30 studies over a 31year time span. 21% (95%CI;15%-28%) of dentists/therapists would intervene invasively for lesions confined to enamel doubling in high risk patients with little changed being noted over time.

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Oral Health in people with dementia

This study is the first of its kind from an RCT perspective which clearly shows that treating major depression in older adults using interventions in primary care settings can extend life

This review of oral health in older people with dementia included 37 mainly observational studies of limited quality. The findings suggest that oral health was generally poorer in those with dementia.

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Computer games for oral health education in young children

Behavioural and cognitive-behavioural group-based parenting interventions are effective at improving child conduct problems, parental mental health and parenting skills in the short term, in the parents of children aged 3-12.

This small RCT of a computer game to deliver oral health education in high caries risk children and families was highly satisfactory to users. Improvements in knowledge were demonstrated is the short term > however there was a high drop out rate an further studies are needed to assess change sin other groups and longer term benefits.

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Top Dental Elf Blogs of 2016


During 2016 the Dental Elves has published 158 blogs covering a broad range of topics. The most popular blogs of each month are highlighted.

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