Results: 353

For: caries

Caries risk assessment: Limited evidence for current models


This review of the effectiveness of Caries Risk Assessment (CRA) models included 32 studies providing limited evidence that CRA is effective for caries assessment and prediction.

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Root Caries: Incidence and increment

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This review of the incidence and increment of root caries included 20 longitudinal studies that provided an overall estimate of incidence of 18.25% 1(95%CI; 13.22%-23–28%) and increment of 0.45 (95%CI; 0.37–0.53).

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Silver diamine fluoride for caries prevention in primary teeth


Four RCTs were included in this review of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) for the prevention of caries in primary teeth. Meta-analysis involving 2 of the studies suggest a preventive fraction = 77.5% (95%CI; 67.8– 87.2%)

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Toothbrushing: fluoride toothpaste needed to reduce caries

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Three RCTs were included in this review of the association between personal oral hygiene and coronal dental caries. The findings suggest that in the absence of fluorides personal oral hygiene did not reduce the incidence of caries.

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Pulp treatments in primary teeth

caries upper arch

This Cochrane review of pulp treatments for primary teeth included 87 trials. Pulp treatments were generally successful with many trials having no clinical or radiological failure in either arm.
Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) may be the best medicament to apply after pulpotomy. For pulpectomy there was no conclusive evidence that one medicament or technique is superior to another.

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Chemomechanical caries removal in primary teeth

caries upper arch

This review of the effectiveness of chemomechanical caries removal in primary teeth identified 15 studies with 10 contributing to the quantitative analysis. The findings suggest this approach is less painful but takes longer than traditional approaches.

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Glass ionomer cement or composite resin for class II restoration in primary molars

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This review of composite resin or glass ionomer cement for Class II restorations in primary molars included 10 RCTSs finding similar clinical performance.

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Primary molars: Hall technique most effective caries management option


3 caries management options [conventional restorations (CR), the hall technique (HT), and non-restorative caries treatment (NRCT)] were investigated in this RCT. A 93% success rate was seen for the HT at 2.5 years compares with 70% for NRCT and 67% for CR.

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