Results: 353

For: caries

Early childhood caries: modifiable risk factors


This review of evidence pertaining to the effect of modifiable risk factors on early childhood caries(ECC) includes 133 mainly observational data providing moderate certainty evidence that breastfeeding up to 2 y of age does not increase ECC risk , and that providing access to fluoridated water and educating caregivers are justified approaches to ECC

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Fluoride varnish for caries prevention in pre-school children


This review of the effectiveness of fluoride varnish in reducing the risk of new caries in primary teeth included 20 studies suggesting modest effects in pre-school children.

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Atraumatic restorative treatment or conventional treatment for root caries in older adults?

This study is the first of its kind from an RCT perspective which clearly shows that treating major depression in older adults using interventions in primary care settings can extend life

This review of atraumatic restorative treatment or conventional treatment for restoration of root caries lesions in older adults included 3 RCTs providing is insufficient data to clearly rule out whether differences between ART and CT exist.

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Interdental cleaning devices for prevention and control of caries and periodontal disease


Thi Cochrane review evaluateingthe effectiveness of interdental cleaning devices used at home, in addition to toothbrushing, compared with toothbrushing alone, for preventing and controlling periodontal diseases, caries, and plaque includes 35 RCTs providing low to very low certainty evidence that floss or interdental brushes in addition to toothbrushing may reduce gingivitis or plaque, or both.

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Fluoride toothpaste: Effects of different fluoride concentrations on caries


This Cochrane review of effectiveness of different fluoride concentrations of toothpaste in reducing dental caries updates the 2010 review and includes 96 RCTs. It provideds good evidence to support the benefits of using fluoride toothpaste in preventing caries and demonstrates a does response effect.

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Dental general anaesthesia in children: Impacts on the family

This review suggests that children in kinship foster care may do better than those in traditional foster care, in terms of their behavioural development, mental health functioning, and placement stability

21 quality of life studies were included in this review of the family impacts following children’s dental treatment under general anaesthesia. The findings suggest a significant positive impact on parental emotions, activity, and conflict.

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Caries risk assessment tools for young children


10 studies reporting on 8 caries risk assessment tools (CRATs) were identified in for this review of evidence to inform the selection of CRATs. The current evidence is limited.

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Sedation for children undergoing dental treatment


This Cochrane review update of the efficacy and relative efficacy of conscious sedation agents and dosages for behaviour management in paediatric dentistry includes 50RCTs providing some moderate-certainty evidence that oral midazolam is an effective sedative agent for children undergoing dental treatment.

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Top Dental Elf Blogs: Sep – Dec 2018

The National Elf Service aims to close the gap between research and practice.

If this your idea of fun, do drop us a line.

Between September and December 2018 our most popular blogs considered guidelines for non-restorative options for caries management , orthodontic management of the developing dentition and aligners for orthodontic treatment.

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Carious lesions: guidelines for non-restorative treatments.


This evidence-based clinical practice guideline on the non-restorative treatments for carious lesions in primary and permanent teeth from the American Dental Association provides 11 recommendations.

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