Service reconfiguration

Re-configuration or service re-design, when carried out effectively, has the potential to improve patient experience and quality of care, and achieve savings by making processes more efficient. It can take place at different levels, e.g. individual services or the whole system.

Our Service reconfiguration Blogs

Continuity of care: a luxury or need?


LucÍa Almazán Sánchez and Derek Tracy appraise a new paper in the British Journal of Psychiatry on continuity of care and clinical outcomes in the community for people with severe mental illness.

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NICE learning disabilities and challenging behaviour guidance highlights need for stronger evidence

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Haven’t quite had time to read the new NICE guidance yet? Here’s our handy summary of the new recommendations for service design and delivery in relation to learning disabilities and behaviour that challenges.

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The future of mental health care: time for a social perspective?


#UCLJournalClub students worked collaboratively on this blog, which summarises a recent personal view in The Lancet Psychiatry about possible scenarios for the future of mental health care.

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What happened to you? Trauma informed approaches to mental health care


Sarah Carr explores a narrative review of trauma informed approaches to mental health care, which aims to provide a definition and plan for future development.

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Emergency general surgery: how can we manage increasing demand?


Alison Turner on a new Nuffield Trust report about emergency general surgery, which explores the challenges facing emergency general surgery and identifies some opportunities to overcome them.

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By place or by case? Service reorganisation at South London and Maudsley


Sarah McDonald explores the findings of a mixed-methods evaluation of the effects of an organisational intervention on secondary mental health care for common mental disorder.

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Stratify, specialise, standardise, analyse: maximising quality and efficiency in elective care


Our resident Elf Economist Chris Sampson summarises a recent report from Monitor (England’s health services regulator), which looks at how NHS providers can improve productivity in elective care.

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Clinical commissioning for key health challenges in English cities


Caroline Storer summarises a recent NHSCC report, which defines how clinical commissioning groups in England’s core cities are responding to the Five Year Forward View.

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Reducing the bureaucracy in general practice must be a national priority, says NHS Alliance


Sarah McDonald reviews a new NHS Alliance report, which provides a snapshot of GP and Practice Manager views on the day-to-day work demands that exist outside of general practice consultations.

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