What do we know about designing and delivering care closer to home?


In this blog, Alison Turner looks at a set of guides aims to explore the challenges and benefits of designing and delivering care closer to home.

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NHS Clinical Commissioners present case studies showing successful partnership working between commissioners and providers

Ambulance on the move

The National Ambulance Commissioners Network have published a briefing on Good Practice in Ambulance Commissioning. The briefing contains seven case studies relating to emergency ambulance services. It also summarises some of the key areas commissioners should focus on. Caroline Storer takes a look at it.

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“No ‘one size fits all’ model for delivering primary care” says RAND Europe

Doctor writing something on a tablet

Summary of a report, produced by RAND Europe, exploring different models for delivering primary care, including collaboration, and how to manage change.

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What can local decision makers do to address unplanned admissions in the elderly?


This report shares findings of a mixed methods case study, to explore best practice in reducing unplanned admissions in the elderly population.

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Retrospective matched control analysis is a useful evaluation tool for service redesign, says Nuffield Trust report

Two zebras in Kruger Park, South Africa

This is a summary of a Nuffield Trust report, which describes a novel approach for the evaluation of clinical and cost effectiveness of new NHS care models.

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Skills development and knowledge transfer are benefits of working with external providers, reports study

A baton being handed between athletes

This is a summary of a report called Knowledge exchange in health-care commissioning, published by the National Institute for Health Research.

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Psychological support needed across cancer pathway


In this blog, Alison Turner takes a look at guidance, which sets out recommendations for commissioners and providers to improve care and outcomes for people with cancer.

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Governance needs balance of trust, challenge and workarounds

balancing different elements

In this blog, Alison Turner considers research on governance and commissioning practices in England, highlighting constraints on commissioner influence over local provider markets.

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Writing for the Commissioning Elf

Cartoon of the Commissioning Elf

The Commissioning Elf is an evidence-based information source for health and social care professionals working in the area of commissioning and provision of care services. The National Elf Service individual elf websites that have launched over the last 3 years, are all run by experts in their field who believe that health and social care professionals [read the full story…]

“Admission to a secure unit is an opportunity to reduce smoking” says guidance

A stubbed out cigarette

In this blog, Caroline De Brún and André Tomlin look at new guidance from Public Health England, to help commissioners and service providers instigate smoking cessation programmes and smoke-free secure mental health units.

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