Zoe Firth

Profile photo of Zoe Firth
Zoë Firth is a Research Assistant at the CAMHS Digital Lab at King’s College London. After an undergraduate degree in Psychology and Linguistics at the University of Oxford, she completed a MSc in Clinical Linguistics at the Universities of Groningen, Potsdam, and Eastern Finland. She has worked in inpatient psychiatric care as a Healthcare Assistant, as well as in mental health services for survivors of gender-based violence within the nonprofit sector. In her current role, Zoë works on a variety of projects which use digital methods of researching, assessing, and treating mental illness in children and young people.


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Like father like offspring: paternal anxiety associated with children’s emotional and behavioural health


Zoe Firth summarises a recent systematic review which finds that anxiety in fathers has a broadly similar impact on children, compared to maternal anxiety.

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