Vishal Aggarwal

Vishal joined the School of Dentistry, the University of Leeds in 2016 as a Clinical Associate Professor in Acute Dental Care and Chronic Pain. He is internationally recognised for his research in pain diagnosis and management and my current focus is on self-management of chronic orofacial pain. Vishal qualified from the University of Manchester in 1998 with an Honors degree in dentistry and subsequently went on to complete a PhD in Epidemiology in 2006. His research career has been funded by prestigious fellowships: Initially a Wellcome Trust Fellowship in clinical epidemiology which funded his doctoral programme of work in the epidemiology of chronic orofacial pain and latterly a NIHR clinician scientist award during which he translated his doctoral findings into an evidence-based health technology for self-management of chronic orofacial pain. Vishal's current research is progressing implementation of this intervention to improve outcomes for patients with chronic orofacial pain. Previously, he was involved in the international task force for the classification of painful cranial neuropathies and other facial pains: International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition (ICHD-3 beta). Cephalalgia 2013; 33(9):774–786. Vishal has been an active member of the orofacial special interest group of the IASP and is a recognized international authority in facial pain research. Vishal's research interests include but are not limited to Oral health, Dentistry, Epidemiology, Chronic Pain, complex interventions, mental health in relation to oral health and chronic pain.