Victoria is a qualified social worker with experience in local government, third sector and the NHS. She has recently been awarded a PhD for research in mental health and social media. She has published in peer reviewed journals and has a blog She is a member of national Mind’s External Relations Committee, presents regularly at conferences and has Masters degrees in Women’s Studies, Social Work and Diploma in public sector relations. She is a mentor on the Dotforge Digital Health Accelerator and an Improvement Fellow at the Yorkshire and Humber Improvement Academy. You can find her on Twitter @VictoriaBetton and her Pets as Therapy dog Bibi on Instagram at bibithepatdog.
Victoria Betton summarises and considers a recent opinion piece by John Torous and colleagues that heads towards a consensus around standards for mental health apps and digital mental health.
Victoria Betton reports on the LYNC study; mixed methods research into timely digital patient-clinician communication in specialist clinical services for young people.
Victoria Betton on a recent meta review of digital health interventions for children and young people with mental health problems. The question is, does the evidence square with her experience of what actually happens in practice?
Victoria Betton considers the findings of a recent North American mixed methods study of mental health providers’ interest in using digital technologies in their day-to-day practice.