Tessa Roberts

Profile photo of Tessa Roberts
Tessa is a mixed methods researcher in global mental health, with a particular interest in the social determinants of mental health and health behaviour. Tessa has a background in psychology and philosophy. Her PhD explored treatment-seeking for depression in the context of the PRIME programme in Madhya Pradesh, India, using quantitative, qualitative and geographic methods. Tessa is currently coordinating the INTREPID II programme, a 5 year epidemiological study that investigates variation in the incidence, presentation, outcomes and impact of psychotic disorders in India, Nigeria and Trinidad. Tessa has previously worked with the Mental Health Innovation Network, Care-If and Mental Health at Work (previously Maudsley Learning) and has held project management roles for non-profit initiatives in Mexico and in London.


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Rethinking how we evaluate interventions that target the social determinants of mental health


Tessa Roberts and Laura Hemming critique a large umbrella review which explores the effectiveness of interventions on social determinants of mental health.

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Suicide and mental illness in low- and middle-income countries

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Tessa Roberts summarises a recent a systematic review and meta-analysis, which looks into the prevalence of mental illness and suicidal behaviour in low- and middle-income countries.

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Global mental health and its implicit priorities


Tessa Roberts writes her debut elf blog on a recent systematic review of the term ‘global mental health’, which seeks to determine the implicit priorities of scientific literature that self-identifies with this term.

Follow #PsychosisGlobal today for a live expert discussion from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN).

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