Susannah Murphy

Susannah is a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford. She has a cross-disciplinary research profile combining expertise in psychology, neuroimaging, psychopharmacology, and neuroscience. Her research uses a translational experimental medicine approach to provide an early assessment of novel treatment approaches in humans. By developing and using proximal intermediate outcomes, such as the early effect of a treatment on key cognitive processes, it is possible to characterise the likely mechanisms of a novel treatment target and predict later treatment efficacy. This approach is particularly important in psychiatric treatment development since current animal models have low predictive validity and experimental medicine models can therefore provide critical evidence to translate preclinical findings and support decision making about future drug development. Susannah has active programs of work characterising the neuropsychological effects of a number of novel antidepressant targets, including ketamine and the 5-HT4 receptor.