The cost-effectiveness of public health interventions: positive findings reported

It is imperative for the NHS to make best possible use of limited resources and the health and economic effects of lifestyle diseases are significant. The economic case for public health interventions … hitherto has lacked a systematic compilation of evidence … that would allow informed decisions about the allocation of resources between prevention and [read the full story…]
Emergency bed use: data briefing from the King’s Fund. What the numbers tell us

This briefing aims to provide commissioners and providers with information on trends and activity to help them decide where to focus attention. Background The NHS faces the tightest financial settlement in its history. It is charged to find £20 billion in productivity improvements by 2015 Bed use for elective admissions accounts for 55% of admissions [read the full story…]
LGA national map of shared services. Better for less; what are the big wins?

Integration and partnership between providers and the public sector is key to meeting the QIPP challenge. NHS commissioners will be focusing on building closer and cost effective relationships with Council colleagues to address the needs of adults, children and young people, families with complex needs. Aiming to deliver Better for Less, the Local Government Association [read the full story…]
Audit Commission reports on improving value for money across health and social care
For all the focus on joint working across the NHS and social care in recent years progress has been patchy. The Audit Commission has identified that PCTs could improve outcomes and achieve £132 million in efficiency savings per year. This readable briefing for health and social care commissioners focuses on services for older people with [read the full story…]
‘Integrating care for patients and populations’ is a ‘must do’ say the King’s Fund and Nuffield Trust

‘We need to move beyond arguing for integration to making it happen’ asserted the NHS Future Forum back in 2011. The King’s Fund and the Nuffield Trust have come together to promote the argument that ‘Integrated care is essential and can be delivered without further legislative change or structural upheaval.’ The report argues that improving [read the full story…]
Pulmonary rehabilitation guide – answering the questions that commissioners want answered

Produced by an expert task force of IMPRESS, this new guide on pulmonary rehabilitation services (PR) aims to answer the questions that most healthcare commissioners want answered. It supplements a Commissioning Pack for COPD due to be issued by the Department of Health England early in 2012. Providing clinical leadership to the NHS to stimulate [read the full story…]
Performance measures in health care: new report from RAND

An independent evaluation of the use of performance measures for accountability and quality improvement from RAND Corporation reports on how these are being used by a wide array of organizations in the USA. The availability of data from which to construct measures was the single most important factor cited as either facilitating or impeding their [read the full story…]
Health Survey for England 2010 focuses on respiratory health

If you incline to start presentations with a ‘killer’ statistic, then the annual Health Survey for England (HSE) is one for you. HSE monitors trends in the nation’s health, and progress towards selected health targets. It helps commissioners to have a better understanding of health issues and enables decision makers to shape policies to improve [read the full story…]
Breaking the mould without breaking the system: towards integrated 24/7 urgent care
Urgent or unplanned care consumes more than half the cost of the NHS, and represents about a third of the overall activity within it. This practical guide for commissioners builds on thinking emerging from reviews and innovative work by the Primary Care Foundation for the Department of Health over recent years. Without proposing a blueprint [read the full story…]
NHS Operating Framework 2012/13: the new commissioning landscape

The NHS Operating Framework 2012/13 focuses on the new commissioning landscape. It lays out the planning, performance and financial requirements for NHS organisations in 2012/13 and the basis on which they will be held to account. This brief overview simply picks out the headlines. Commissioners will want to get into the detail of this annual [read the full story…]